
Clyde's Travel Log - Border Raids 2017

Border Raids 2017
White County Fairgrounds, Sparta, TN
Barony of Glaedenfeld and Shire of Easaraigh
19-21 May 2017

Greetings travelers!

Please pardon my absence. I have been to other events, but alas procrastination got the better of me. Good news, Im back on the blogger wagon and home to regale you with stories of my journeys for the rest of they year.

So Border Raids...

Border Raids was my first war event..ever.. way back in 1988 at Land Between the Lakes. I was young and dumb as most of us were in our yesteryear. For me, more memorable because my jaw was wired shut from a car accident I had that spring. That a story for another day and I digress.

For this years Border Raids, I found myself named Marshal in Charge for Heavy. Baron Griffin had suggested the role to me way back at Menhir, but it would be assumed that I would be helping newer, less experienced staff from the Barony. As the event approached, real life pulled away the Baronial marshals that would have be helping and I found myself in sole ownership of the responsibility.

Border Raids was my first time in the role as MiC for a war. This caused me much anxiety over the weeks leading up to the event. This is personal issue that I deal with a lot these days. I was almost sick to my stomach over it on a few occasions. Fortunately, I had some top notch support in my corner and managed to swallow my stress (i.e. hank Hill) and muscle through.

The big idea portrayed to me early on was to repeat the success of the 2016 Border Raids event. The 2016 event was themed on the 1066 invasions of England. The fights were organized in a scenario format with a briefing at the start of each fight to give the participants a little background into the history behind the scenario that was being fought. Additionally, each combatant was allowed to choose the side they wanted to fight for instead of the traditional 'kingdom' organization.

My main dilemma was that I did not attend the 2016 war. For this reason, I did some research and found some notes posted by Sir Gunnar Redboar concerning the 2016 event (found on Facebook here and here). I also reached out to Sir Gunnar to discuss the concept and was rewarded with a few bits of wisdom to guide my research.

This years Border Raids was themed on the 3rd Crusade. In my research I came up with 4 major battles for the 3rd Crusade to base my scenarios on. They were Acre, Arsuf, Iconium, and Jaffa. I had originally sought someone better versed in the 3rd Crusade lore than I to be our speaker between the scenarios, but when they were not able to attend, I ended up fulfilling that role myself.

Additionally, we had put out a request to see if anyone wanted to run a torchlight tournament on Friday night. When there were no takers, I took it upon myself to organize that task as well.

So, over several weeks I did gathered my info and research into a playbook for the event (if anyone would like a copy, let me know, Id be happy to share). I called upon my knight, Earl Sir Benen, and we reviewed my plan and tweaked a few things.

A good plan was put together.

The event started.

The plan, like all good plans, met its enemy (the event) and was immediately put in jeopardy.

We started out with land appropriation issues at the site first thing on Friday. The autocrat, Sir Valdryk consulted with the department heads. The end result was a relocation of the fighting field and the new location for the fighting field was not suitable for combat archery. So, I had to announce that we would not be supporting combat archery. But, the plan was still functional, albeit needing modification.

Later Friday I opened up inspections and prepared to hold a torchlight tournament. As the night grew darker, there was hardly any traffic at marshals point. Attendance looked to be fair, but by the time dark and truly settled in, I had only inspected 2 fighters. To this end, the torchlight tournament was not held. I was slightly disappointed, but a little relieved as well.

If the tournament would have been held, it was going to be a modified bear pit style using bridges that I had labeled a 'none shall pass' tournament. With the use of bridges, I added an additional victory condition where a fighter could win by crossing his opponents end of the bridge. So a kill or crossing the bridge could net victory. No wounds would be retained (merely a flesh wound rule). Sounded like it would be fun. I have to save it for another day.

Saturday opened with humidity and then leveled into a somewhat pleasant day until the heat set in late in the afternoon. 

I conducted one authorization and my inspection team (consisting of myself, Earl Sir Benen, Styrbjorn and John) processed 42 fighters from Meridies and Middle kingdoms. We also had some guest inspecting by our Meridian Earl Marshal, Sir Gnaeus. We divided the fighters into red and blue armies at inspection, allowing them to choose and kept a count as they did so. In the end, we had nearly even sides without having to manipulate numbers. This was fairly surprising to me.

We started at around 10:30 with the Acre scenario. I reviewed my notes and called all the fighters to the field. 

King Bryce provided a few words to the fighters. When he finished, I led a safety briefing and then went into the scenario history and how we were going to fight it out. Additionally, I had each army elect a commander. Via the elected commander, I would give guidance as to what was going on and where they need to stage their units. This worked very well and limited the amount of down time due to 'fighter wrangling' that can sometimes happen.

On a personal note, I erred in not asking His Excellency, Sir Jaime to speak. As representative of the Middle, I should have done this. Major protocol violation on my part I think. Nothing was said, but I know that should have been done.

With our small number of fighters, I opted to do a simple fortification fight for Acre with the Red army controlling the fort and the Blue army attacking. 

Some volunteers and I setup the fort while inspections were happening. The fort itself was made of crenelated hay bales stacked up to 3 high with 2 gate openings. The whole wall was around 50' long. The end of the walls represented a solid boundary and the entire area was treated as a building for maneuver concerns. So persons could only enter/exit via the two openings during the fight. The fort stay static throughout the day and was used with the same rules throughout.

So we fought the Acre fight. It went fairly quickly so we reset with the armies switching sides and ran it again.

I sent them off for a water break and prepped for the next fight, Arsuf.

After about 15min, I called them back out and briefed them on the history of Arsuf and had the commanders line them up.

For Arsuf, the Blue army started on the south end of the field in a column formation with the Red army lined up in skirmish line along the west side of the field. The Blue armies goal was to make it with a majority of their forces to a control point at the north end of the field. Since we only had 42 +/- fighters on the field, the engagement quickly turned into a standard field fight at the start. The Blue army won the engagement. Since the scenario went fairly quick, we reset and switched sides. In the second engagement, the Red army charged and ended up getting most of their fighters to the objective.

I repeated the water break after and prepped for the next scenario. The process was working well and things moved along with great fluidity (much to my surprise).

We opted to forego a lunch break in favor of continuing the scenarios so that we would not lose too many fighters to idleness.

Fighters briefed, we started the third scenario, Iconium. Iconium was a 2 phase fight were Red and Blue fought a standard field fight for the right to defend the fort in phase 1. In phase 2, we moved them directly into the fort with no break and fought the fort engagement. once again, we reset and fought again.

In the 4th break, fatigue was setting in. I let things idle for about 20 or 25 minutes before calling everyone back to the field after checking on everyone's hydration efforts.

The 4th scenario, Jaffa, can be a very complex fight if you have enough fighters. With our smaller numbers I opted to fight the fight across the face of the fort with a 3rd of each army occupying half of the fortification. This created some interesting angles and tactics for the fighters in the last melee of the day.

So, I briefed the armies for the last time and layed on. We reset and fought one last time switching sides.

At the end of the 4th fight it was early afternoon (almost 2pm ish I think). I opened the field up for pickups and commenced cleanup of the field.

A big thanks to my volunteer marshals - Sir Conrad, Sir Hrothgar, Isaac -  and to my marshal team - Earl Sir Benen, John and Styrbjorn. 

All in all, my first MiC experience was pretty fun once it got going. I did stress out a lot leading up to it though. I think the fighters had fun and we kept their interest the whole day. 

The rest of the day was spent cleaning up, fighting the heat and waiting for court. 

I was surprised at court with an award. Most unexpectedly, I was awarded the Order of the Argent Shield. It was an awesome end to a day that I was personally dreading..lol. Thanks to Mistress Moreg and Lady Satara for the work on my scroll.

Thanks to our brothers and sisters in our neighbor Barony for hosting Border Raids with Easaraigh. We had some bumps in the road and some site issues, but all in all it worked out to be a friendly, if a little undersized, war that I think people enjoyed.

Thanks to My wife Ellen, Tristan, Sean and Racaire for the photos.

Well met friends. Safe journey to thee!

THL Eoin Mac Cana called 'Clyde', CACM, CKP, CAS
Warden of the Northern Plateau
Squire to Earl Benen Mac Tire, KSCA, OL, OP
Knight Marshal, Shire of Easaraigh
Kingdom of Meridies


Clyde's Travel Log - Gulf Wars XXVI

Gulf Wars XXVI
Kings Arrow Ranch, Lumberton, MS
Kingdom of Gleann Abhann
12-18 March 2017

On a beautiful spring day, I once again journeyed south to the lands of Gleann Abhann. This year, we answered Their Majesties call to 'Crusade for Joy'. Our small levy from Easaraigh was made up of Marek, Asa, Darri, and myself along with Earl Benen and Countess Rosabelle.

Some day, the Trimarian and Ansteorran differences may be settled. But, it will not be this year. Our Meridian might is once again put to task to bring order to the chaos this annual war brings.

11 MAR
Marek and I traveled under fair skies to an inn near the contested lands where we stayed the night before venturing further. While fortune favored our journey, some of our brethren found the journey hard and fraught with foul weather. Rain settled in this evening in a steady downpour from the heavens. The rain lasted well into the following morning.

12 MAR
Marek and I waited for the rain to subside in the mid morning time and traveled to the site established by the old treaty for the Trimarian and Ansteorran 'negotiations' and 'conflict resolution'. We helped the good Earl and Countess get settled in to their camp before moving to the Foxes Den camp to establish our own war lodging with our family and neighbors there. The rest of the day was filled with camp preparation as more fyrd men and women arrived answering Their Majesties call.

13 MAR
After meeting with the good Marshals for gear inspection, I found that I was late for the first battle of the war, the town battle. I was able to watch the latter half of the fight and saw that the effort was hard but there were many smiles on the faces of my brothers and sisters in arms. I took great pleasure in watching our larger-than-life general, Sir Timothy of Longbeddington, toy with our adversaries in honorable single combat after he was separated from his element. Normally, his stature is enough to strike fear into the foe, but these men were filled with false bravado that fell away when he tested them. I took great pride in our general. Im thankful that we have him to guide us.

14 MAR
I greeted the day early to offer my service to the War Marshallate. I put on my Hospitaller's attire and went to Hastings Field. My morning was spent assisting with inspections and preparing the field for the upcoming Field Battle. 

Mid morning the opening ceremonies started. I was privileged to witness the Meridian Crusade in all its glory. Onlookers cried 'What army is that!'. In answer I replied, 'Meridies! Corona Vult!'. It was an awesome spectacle in honor of our recently fallen hero's. Each of us remembering those no longer with us in a great show of unity. It was a site to behold and will be a treasured memory in my mind.

In the early afternoon, I donned my kit. After a brief warm up with Sir Valdryk, I joined my battle brethren in the shield wall for 5 engagements in the afternoon. With Drogo and another shieldman who's name I have forgotten, I dove headlong into the fights with vigor. My brothers and I wrought havoc on Ansteorran, Midrealmer and Caidian alike. Again and again we put our shoulder to the anvil. Each time the anvil would make way for our powerful presence. We were a wall that waves of foe men broke against. Many of our brothers thanked us for our war work. It was a good day.

After the field engagements completed, I managed a pickup with Sir Marek of AEthelmearc. An excellent fighter of great prowess that bested me several times. Regardless, it was an enjoyable engagement at the end of a great day of work on the field.

A presentation of a reliquary was ongoing when I attended the King after my pickup. The Meridian mood was somber and full of emotion. We miss Earl Richard. I thought of my own missing mentor now two years gone. We ended in celebration of the excellent day with a resounding 'Corona! Vult!'.

Later that evening around the campfire, I was in a somewhat darker mood. It was lightened somewhat with some excellent discussion with Masters Ysabel and Corbin on 'the path' one takes in the journey through the SCA. This would be a theme that fate presented to me daily it seems (if you believe in such things).

15 MAR
It was tourney day. Many selected champions would tested their mettle this day. I suffered from poor timing most of the day and never managed to get myself or my kit in the right place at the right time. Sie la vie. I did some shopping in merchants row. As usual, there was an excellent selection of wares being offered.

I attempted to watch some of the Meridian Rose Tourney. One does not call a fight from the viewing stand, but I found the fights I watched to be less that appealing for my experienced eye. I hope it was only my perspective that was wrong in what I witnessed.

Later that evening, Midnight Madness was in effect for the merchants area. I wandered a bit, aimless before falling into a melancholy that would stay with me for the next couple of days. Again I returned to thoughts of my path and journey that I relayed in a separate writing. I ended the evening back at the campfire absorbed in my own thoughts.

16 MAR
A muster of the Meridian forces was called in the royal camp. I marched with Sir Valdryk's unit to the gathering. From there, we Meridians marched with our Imperator and Imperatrix to the Ravine.

The day started out joyous and emotional with a field court, several worthy recognitions and the elevation of Seamus the last of Gyver to the chivalry. It was a good ceremony. Earl Robert's comments during the ceremony revolved around 'the path' Seamus took. Again, a recurring topic that struck a chord for me. 

The Ravine. Traditionally, this is an ugly fight. 3 control points and an hour long resurrection define this fight on some nasty, uneven terrain with fairly steep elevations. 

I started out fairly strong. About 30 minutes in, I overheated and had to retire from the field. Sadly, I feel my performance was substandard. On top of that, I think I hurt an adversary when I stumbled in a pulse charge and landed hard on them. We all have bad days, and this was mine. 

I spent the rest of the day in doubt as to my path and where it was going.

17 MAR
St Patricks Day. I woke debating whether to put my kit on at all. The bridge and fort battles were scheduled for today. I got word that Earl Benen would be on the field today so, I geared up to share the day with him since its a rarity for him to get a chance to be on the field at Gulf Wars. I arrived as the army was gearing up and took my place in the wall with my comrades in arms from the field. Add to that, Earl Sir Benen taking his place in the line.

We fought the middle of three bridges against the Ansteorran foe we had met several times before. The fight was friendly and courteous as these things go. Much laughter and joy could be heard on both sides. After the second fight, I was put out after a few minutes and fell to the rear to regroup. I noted Benen stumbling from the line, disoriented. Myself, along with a few others, went to him and assisted him from the field of engagement. It seems he received an unchivalrous blow at the end of the 2nd engagement from an unknown adversary. 

Thoughts of fighting took a back seat as I watched over him with others with concern. HRM Barthelemy commanded I stand watch over him as the 3rd engagement ramped up. To which I acknowledged and prepared to guard over him. After the king departed, Earl Sir Benen regained some of his faculty and ordered me back into the line. After a brief appeal that 'I had been ordered to stay by HRM', Earl Sir Master Master Benen convened a council of Earls on the spot and ordered me back into the line again. Outranked and outnumbered, I consented to return to the fight while hoping to not offend either the injured Earl or the Imperator of my Kingdom. 

So, I entered the 3rd fight late as the engagement started before I had my helmet strapped on. As I came on with the reserve, I noted 3 enemy spears on the bridge, without protection and unawares. So, I took all 3 of them for a swim. That was fun.

Benen retired to his tent as the 4th engagement commenced. The 4th engagement started with all the royalty fighting on the middle bridge. As that 'battle royale' ended, all hades broke lose as both armies charged. I found myself on the edge of the bridge, stepped on the boundary rope and twisted my knee. That ended the day for me.

Later that evening, I spent time with Earl Benen and Countess Rosabelle to offer what service I could. I found myself in deep conversation with His Excellency that evolved into a discussion on joining his house as a squire. I accepted. We exchanged oaths to each other as Rosabelle looked on in the privacy of their tent. For me, no public announcement was required. A bond set with an oath and handshake is enough.

It was a very unexpected offer (and hopefully not symptomatic of the earlier trauma he received). Im very thankful to have a new voice to guide me and to add new knowledge to the foundation set by Count Sir Hadi before his passing.

18 MAR
Packing day. We woke this morning and began the tear down of the Fox's Den encampment. As tear down was completed, we bid farewell to our friends. Its an excellent camp and the companionship will be missed. Marek and I then went to assist Benen and Rosabelle. We had them packed later that evening with help from several Trimarian peers. Marek and I travelled in caravan with them back to the fair lands of Easaraigh, arriving in the early morning of the 19th.

Here ends my recount of Gulf Wars XXVI. 

Well met friends. Safe journey to thee!

THL Eoin Mac Cana called 'Clyde', CACM, CKP
Warden of the Northern Plateau
Knight Marshal, Shire of Easaraigh
Kingdom of Meridies


The Queen's Highway - A memory from Gulf Wars XXVI

As I walk down the weathered path of the Queen's Highway, I hear the revel going strong and find myself in deep contemplation.

My thoughts, bloated with melancholy, agitate my mood and take me further into the symbolic darkness as I plod along to a rhythm driven by the tap of my walking stick on the literal dark road before me.

Shadows move ahead in the swirling haze of dusk. Some fall behind. Some move ahead. One is always there but never seen, remembered with fondness, following.

Whispering in the subconscious void of my mind...it is my voice.

'Is this your path?'

I am tested on the field, an awesome day and excellent trial. But, doubt surfaces. Maybe I am done.

'Is this your path?'

Well respected voices around a campfire provide sound counsel. My heart and mind are bolstered. But the doubt in the darkness, always there...persistently.

'Is this your path?'

An Earl of our land reminds us we all follow our own path as we raise up one of our own. I find myself tested in body and soul as I struggle to find my footing in the ravine. The day, for me, ends poorly, the melancholia returns.

'Is this your path?!'

More sound council around a campfire. This time its my voice joining in discussion. We each have our own path. Sometimes alone. Sometimes in company. The path is of our own making...

'Is this your path?!'

The dilemma. Right path? Wrong path? Uncertainty.

'Is this your path?...'

I plod to the field again. Reluctant. Unsure and unsteady. Brothers in arms bolster my resolve. Provide me purpose. A good day.

'Is it my path?'

Unexpectedly, a respected hand reaches from the gloom and offers to be my guide. Oaths exchanged.


Euphoric, I return to the Queens Highway. My gait strong. I stand a little taller. My burden not as heavy.

I hear a familiar, deep, joyous, laugh from the distant shadows filling me with comfort.


An Imperator in Easaraigh

I, Eoin Mac Cana called 'Clyde', bear witness to the events that took place on a winter's eve in the Shire of Easaraigh, Kingdom of Meridies on February 23rd, 2017 Gregorian.

In the winter of A.S. LI, the good Imperator, Barthelemy, did travel in guise to the northern lands of his prosperous kingdom to visit his unsuspecting subjects in Easaraigh.

Earlier in the season, the Mistress of Winter had laid the land low with ice and snow. Through her mischief, the fair Shire of Easaraigh had to suffer the cancellation of well laid plans for a celebration in the Imperator's honor. This troubled the Imperator. This ruler is a true caretaker of his flock and desired to meet and share his generosity with all of his land. An Imperator's Will is not to be trifled with and this particular Imperator does not cow to the likes of Mother Nature.

His loyal Meridians in Easaraigh had come together to feast in jovial camaraderie with the Baron and Baroness of Glaedenfeld and other Baronial guests in celebration of neighborly friendship and to rejoice in the mild weather that had much eased the burden that the winter season tends to bring upon the land.

As the gathered settled down to their meal, enjoying the flavors and plenty that these types of events bring, the Imperator's confidant (a certain Master Alexander) did skillfully exit the hall without the slightest notice of those in attendance.

The assembled populace raised their voices in conversation and joy of a shared meal. Suddenly, in the midst of this pleasurable raucous, the booming voice of a well known herald cut though the chorus, "All Rise...".

Shock. Dismay. Surprise.

The Imperator entered.

Here was Barthelemy, the much beloved liege of the Meridians, standing in the meager mead hall of Easariagh.

The shirefolk, so unaccustomed to the royal presence, fell to silence. Here was their Imperator in all his splendor. Many held their eyes down in reverence to his bright presence (many more made a distinct effort to lift their unhinged jowls back into proper placement).

A pin dropped with a distinct 'ping'.

Their Excellencies Glaedenfeld, Griffin and Stephanie, rose and assumed positions with the Imperator. Griffin with the sword of state. Stephanie with the Imperator's sundry basket. Also, there was the clever Master of Stealth Heralds, Master Alexander.

"Here opens the court...", announced Alexander.

Dumbfounded. A royal court in a Shire mead hall? In Easaraigh?

Yes. It was happening.

The good Imperator, Barthelemy, did not only come to surprise the Easaraighains with his most pleasant company and sup with them but, He also came to raise up some of the gentry of this land in recognition for the service the hard working folk of this Shire put forth in the name of their kingdom, Meridies.

A call for the Oath was made and given.

The Imperator greeted the children and the new folks recently moved to the Shire.

He then called Meuric ap Rhys, a local illuminator. Meuric was presented an Award of Arms and a Meridian Cross to boot. Since arriving in Easaraigh from the wastes of the Outlands, Meuric has shown his worth in the production of beautiful illuminations for the Imperator's scribes for use in the recognition of His subjects.

The attendance rejoiced. A most worthy reward for a deserving man.

"Marek Arturson!" called Alexander.

With a grin reminiscent of the cats of Cheshire, Marek approached and was presented an Award of Arms. A long overdue award for a loyal citizen and friend of Easaraigh who's faced many trials to be here.


Next came Lady Medb of the Wolf Dog. '..Order of the Argent Comet..', read Alexander. The Imperator spoke of many petitions from within and without that lauded Medb's generosity and sharing nature.

"...calls forth Lady Asa Kolbrun!"

Lord Eoin escorted Lady Asa to the front. A Order of the Argent Comet is presented. The Imperator regaled Asa for her communication skills and determined, hard work for her Shire and Kingdom.

More cheers and applause.

Lastly, '..Lady Ellen and Lord Eoin..'. Ellen and I met before the Imperator, basking in the royal presence. He spoke of our long service to Easaraigh. We were recognized for our efforts in maintaining his Shire through times of feast and famine. The Imperator saw our loyalty and love of Kingdom. A Grant of Arms was presented to us both.

Joyous noise.

The Imperator asked for pause and it was given.

He spoke to me directly. He spoke of my writings and how much he enjoyed my insight. He spoke of the inspiration and support they had given him. He spoke of shared ideals and belief being renewed. The Imperator granted me his Sovereign's Pleasure as 'Warden of the Northern Plateau'.

Awestruck with elation. I had no words. All was silence in my world for that moment.

The court adjourned and our Imperator joined our revelry with enthusiasm. Many congratulations and appreciations were shared in the hall over drink and delicacies.

Our Imperator shared with his people and it was good.

For my part, I have much happiness for my friends and my wife. I am still filled with euphoria as I write this. To be acknowledged be an Imperator in any way is special. It is a big Kingdom and to be brought to His attention (in a good way) is very much a rite that all Meridians treasure.

We in Easaraigh go forward on this day with a renewed vigor thanks to the efforts of a select few and one most excellent Imperator.



Clyde's Travel Log - Meridian War College

Meridian War College
Dalwhinnie Fields, Marion, AL
Barony of Iron Mountain
February 3-5, 2017

So, late in the afternoon on Friday, February 3rd, I made the snap decision to pack my bags and head down to Meridian War College. After seeing the schedule published for the event, I thought that any marginally decent squire would be out of their mind missing it. Being a marginally decent squire...and in my 'right mind'...I talked myself into making the almost 5 1/2 hour trek from Easaraigh down to Dalwhinnie Fields in Marion, AL.

I was on the road by 5 pm and conducted an uneventful journey south down the King's road (I-59) to the lands of the Barony of Iron Mountain. Near the event site, I found refuge for the night in an Inn ran by the Hampton Family in a town called Selma. The Inn was only 20 minutes or so from site, so made for a good answer to the cold evening that had presented itself that night. By midnight, I had retired for the evening in a warm bed safe from the elements.

The Dalwhinnie Fields site is a new location for Meridians to congregate. This event was the first published event to occur there. The site is still being developed but I found the facilities and environment excellent for our activities as medieval recreationists. It is an all camping site, but there is a hall, a kitchen, a modern privy, and a designated tournament area with populace seating.

After troll, I found the fighting field and unloaded my gear. The field is still fairly rough, but spacious enough for a few hundred soldiers to wander around without being too crowded.

Before armoring, I performed a small service assisting with the royal pavilion setup under the knowledgeable guidance of THL Legio. Once that was set, I attended to my own needs and made ready for the lessons to come.

The first item on the agenda was a lecture on readiness and Esprit De Corps. Due to various factors, the cold of the previous night being a major component, the days schedule was running late. This created a relative example of the scheduled subject matter of time management and preparedness. It was addressed by our general, Sir Timothy. It was a valid lesson and well received I think. Tardiness in war is a bad thing after all. 

There were several 'tracks' in the days curriculum geared toward the main categories of heavy combatant in today's Meridian army. The categories of combatant are spear, shield wall, cav, support weapons, and archers.

I chose to stick with a 'shield wall' curriculum throughout the day. While I am an experienced shield man, I am quite rusty in the practical execution of the skill.

The first breakout session (Movement and Tactics) I attended was led by Graf Ulrich. The session concerned itself with 'Charging the Line'. His Excellency addressed charge targeting (go for the weak link), chain of command (whos in charge), charge execution/technique (practical application), and decision making (when/how to go). It was all good refresher for me (remembering some forgotten concepts) and set me up for a good train of thought for the rest of the day. A nice opening salvo.

From this point forward, one session ran into the next with only a lunch/court break. It was a rapid fire day where activity was non-stop and there was no real mandated down time. I liked it.

The first group session was a standard field melee bringing all the elements together and applying the practical application of the prior breakouts lessons. The adhoc group of Meridian soldiers was organized into roughly equal teams labelled 'Red' and 'Blue' (I might suggest 'Black' and 'White' might have been more Meridian, but I digress...). I didn't get exact numbers but it felt like we had 100 or so on the field. We fought 2 or 3 engagements with cav reserves, regrouping after contact, on the spot correction and review from our chivalry and Bears. It was very enjoyable exercise and a feeling of confidence was established in the soldiers present.

Lunch followed along with a brief court with HRM Barthelemy, HRHs Bryce and Rhiannon, Thier Excellencies Iron Mountain, Bjorn and Genevieve and visiting royalty from Gleann Abhann, HRMs Caillin and Danielle. 

After lunch, I attended breakout 2 (Fixed Line) led by Duke Kenneth on 'Surviving spears in a fixed line'. His Grace addressed the different 'types' of spearmen, A type (aggressive, dominant), snipers (patient hunters), and support (manipulators, assistants). We discussed 'team defense' concepts (protecting self, left and right) as well as opportunity attacks from the wall. He conducted some drills with us divided into two groups where we applied defense concepts and opportunity stikes. It was a good class that added on what we learned earlier without being too far off course with the material at hand.

The next group session was a bridge engagement. Red and Blue assembled at either end of a narrow corridor. Main lessons that I latched on to: how to stack the line and reinforcements, forming a cup or pocket defense, and supporting spearmen. 3 engagements were executed, but I was only involved in 2 (I got caught in a water break on the 3rd engagement).

I managed to squeeze in one pickup fight at this point with a squire named Michael whom I had never met before. We were able to get in a few passes before the next class started. My thanks to him for that opportunity.

The third breakout session (Timed Objectives) I attended was led by HRH Bryce with the support of Graf Ulrich. The subject was 'The Dynamic Wall'. The gist of this lesson was about the operational aspects of the wall in a fluid environment and a shieldman's (or shieldmaiden's) decision making process. More reinforcement of wall protection concepts along with relief in place (individual), regrouping/reinforcement tactics for resurrection scenarios and energy conservation/management.

The last group session, culminated all of the days lessons into a 30 minute resurrection fight with a point control element. This is much like what is done a Gulf Wars each year in the ravine. Red and Blue went at it with gusto for 30 minutes solid. Lots of small unit action with great communication. Communication turned out to be another subject that had subtle reinforcement throughout the day and was liberally applied with great success in the final group action without much of us realizing the improvement we had made during the days events.

At the conclusion of the day, the chivalry was called to meeting. Congratulations to Conrad and Seamus being called to vigil (I later found out).

The day was full of activity and well thought out. I found myself fairly spent and facing a long drive back home. With very little energy left for pickups and fighter practice in Easaraigh happening on the next day I decided to depart. With a few fond farewells, I packed my wagon and left for the King's Road and the journey north to the fair lands of Easaraigh.

Well met friends. Safe journey to thee!

Ld. Eoin Mac Cana, CACM
Knight Marshal, Shire of Easaraigh
Kingdom of Meridies


Clyde's Travel Log - Menhir 2017

Lane Agri-Park Community Center (Murfreesboro, TN)
Shire of Rising Stone
January 21, 2017

The shire went to Menhir yesterday. I say the shire went because nearly all of us were there. 

Menhir has become an early year staple in Northern Meridies. I was lucky enough to be able to make it out this year and had a blast.

The event itself is geared toward classes and the Rising Stone folks have managed to leverage a very nice facility called the Lane Agri-Park Community Center in Murfreesboro, TN. It has lots of room for classes almost anything else the shire wants to do.

I hate to say that I missed most of the classes, so I cannot speak much to that. But I did get to fight. And it was fun.

The fighting was held indoors in a large room with concrete floors. The rooms was divided up so that both heavy and rapier were able to share the space without any crowding.

Duke Seth put together a nice 'pool' Round Robin list for the heavy fighters with the help of Sir John Ruddle and Sir Madach. We had around 30 heavy fighters that morning. 

I hit about .500 in the first round. All my fights were good and fun. I fell off in the second round becoming an easy target, but still enjoyed myself in spite of falling short of my earlier marks. Sir Wulfgang pulled out the win in the third round.

There was also a bear pit tourney that I wasn't able to join as it started during the second round of the pool list.

Having been on my duff since Fighter's Collegium, it was good to get back in my kit and work the list. I've been participating in the 100 Day Pell Challenge since the end of October and I was really able to tell a difference. It was pretty nice feeling that comfortable swinging a stick again. Thanks to all of my opponents, I was able to make a pretty good list of things to focus on this year. Progress has been made.

I spent much of the afternoon socializing with friends and seeing what there was to see.

Congrats to former Easaraigh member Margaret Northwode on her elevation to Laurel and Andriet di Pizan from Crimson River to Pelican. Both were on Vigil during the day.

I totally missed feast while I was fighting. I think it was a ploy by those who attended to keep it for themselves and not let me know. I heard there was a lot of bacon. But I was sated on the sweat and effort of a solid fighting day, so I wont complain...much.

Court was a nice. HRMs Barthelemy and Oda hold a fun affair that is enjoyable to the populace. Aside from the two elevations, several Boughs and Argent Comets our very own little Shire of Easaraigh received a Crown's Favor. Very cool indeed. Its the first time that I can recall (in being around this Shire for 30 years now) that the shire has ever..EVER..received something like this. Very cool.

Thats all I have this time around. Menhir was a fun day with many friends, a good time for all.

Well met friends. Safe journey to thee!

Ld. Eoin Mac Cana, CACM
Knight Marshal, Shire of Easaraigh
Kingdom of Meridies

Clyde's Travels - Magna Faire 2024

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