
A letter of appreciation and gratitude in honor of my elevation to the Order of the Pelican, SCA.

Salutations unto the great Society of Creative Anachronism, the Kingdom of Meridies, and my friends and family from Eoin Mac Cana, in gratitude and humility.

Please accept these words as my heartfelt and awestruck respect for those who have helped shape my experience and shared in my journey. All of those who I have walked with, followed behind and occasionally held the light for brought me to this, my elevation, to the most noble Order of the Pelican.

To my beloved wife, Ellen Delacey. Councilor and partner, enabler and keeper of my heart, planner-in chief, my tailor, my love. Thank you.

To Ameraulde and Hadi, my first peers, my first household, my first introduction to the world of this hobby and setting the foundation of what service is and should be. Thank you.

To my shire, Easaraigh, and the many voices that have rung in the halls of our hearth fires over the years. Through feast and famine, Easaraigh has been the SCA 'place'  I have called home. Always welcoming, supportive, and a house of happiness. Thank you.

To Benen and Rosabel, my introduction to the wider world of this hobby and community. I would have never seen the wider SCA without you there. Wise beyond words. My horizons have been broadened and my appreciation of what a peer is and can be are ingrained in my ideal through your influence. Thank you.

To those of you in the Order that saw my body of work and felt that my qualities are of value to the cadre, I look forward to meeting you all. You confidence in me is humbling. Thank you.

To Ysmay of Branston, thank you for being my voice and sponsor in the circle. 

Thank you to TRMs Sebastianos and Morgan, for accepting the Order's recommendation and presenting my writ. 

To TRMs Barthelemy and Oda, Thank you for agreeing to perform the induction and administering the ceremony.

To the guards and stewards of my vigil, Thank you for giving of your time so that I could sit my vigil in surety. You honored me. I am in your debt. Cassandra Boseham and Linnet MacLeod for managing my book and flow of visitation. Alessandra Sartor overseeing the victuals and refreshments for my guests. Sigmund Nacht as my sergeant-at-arms and his fyrd consisting of Sindri Bynarrsson, Ronan of Axebridge, Mongo Blackheart, Hallgrimr Thorvaldsson, Nobunaga and Boethius Blackheart standing guard, so that peace reigned.

To all those that came to visit and share in my vigil, Thank you. I am richer in being for your consideration and in the partaking. Thank you so much.

To my wife, Ellen for my elevation tunic and to Sigriðr Reiðubúinsdóttir for the woven work of art that the word 'trim' seems inadequate as a label. Thank you.

To Thorkatla Herjolfsdottir, illuminator and scribe. Master of her craft, applying her trade to create the official instrument and evidence of my elevation. Pure art knows no competition and you have done as much and more than I could have hoped for in your effort. Thank you.

To Timothy of Long Bennington and Ysmay of Branston, the construction of a pennon to fly in the breeze and announce my presence was charged. The product is beautiful and I will be proud to see it soar. Thank you.

To my squire brother, Ronan of Axebridge, the artist, I love the fighting pelican art. All who see it will know that you are its creator and many will know your worth before ever you meet them. Thank you.

To my guy, my consiglieri, my herald, Iain MacArthur… fuhgeddaboudit. You sir, are the best. A bit of humor on a Gulf Wars morning made into pure poetry, you did right by me. Thank you.

To Sigmund and Sindri, for holding my banners high in precession as I heeded Their Majesties call to court. Thank you.

To my worthies, Bryce MacLaren, Seumas Last of Gyver, Jean-Azriel du Corbier, Ysabel de Saincte Croix, Benen MacTire, and Sigmund Nacht: Gravitas and joy in equal parts struck true. Having ones worth laid out before a witnessing populace is an experience I will not soon forget. I feel envigored and ready to go forth with the knowledge of sound footing on my path and a direction true. Thank you.

Lastly, to those of you that I missed in acknowledgement, know no slight intended. It's only my ability to retain a memory at the time of this writing that has failed. Things have been a blur of late. Please remind me when you see me if you desire to do so.

By my hand, this 11th day of November, Anno Societatis LIX being 2024 Gregorian, I am, 

Meistr Eoin Mac Cana, OP
Warden of the Nothern Plateau
Squire to Earl Benen MacTire
Shire of Easaraigh
Kingdom of Meridies
SCA, Inc

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