
Clyde’s Travels - Meridian Grand Tournament

Meridian Grand Tournament

Bert Adams Scout Camp
Covington, GA
Hosted by the Kingdom of Meridies
September 29 - October 1, 2023

At the end of September, I left for the southern pass from my Cumbrian home to attend the Meridian Grand Tournament in the baronial lands of South Downs. The tournament is an all day event consisting of 5 different tournaments that is capped off by the Earl Richard of Rae Fen Memorial Grand Tournament. 

I registered for three of the tournaments and helped administer two others during the day as well as having the good fortune to be selected to participate in the grand tournament itself.

Early in the day I went to the field for inspection and lost one of my swords along the way (fell off my cart). Lucky for me, it was found and returned by a friend of my Knight, Sir Almeric. As I was assisting with the setup of the Kingdom pavilion, I overhear a voice ‘So, I found this sword…’. I peered from under the canvas to see Sir Almeric, a smirk on his face and a look saying that there would be a penance due. I thanked the good knight and consented to pay whatever penance he thought was due. That penance by the end of the day was a single fight and sharing the day with him and his squire, Okami, field side, under my day shade. I feel I got away with one here as the company was outstanding and I enjoyed every minute of it.

I marshaled for the Armatura and Great Weapons tournaments, early and late in the day. I also furnished the prize for the Armatura, which was won by Xenos Theodrikes. The prize is a shield commission to be made by me. 

My first tournament in the day was the Sabre Tourney. I went to the second round, losing to Thorhall WulfstanSan in a quick exchange that left me at his mercy with no way for me to recover. Then on to the Chalice Tournament. I faired about the same, making it to the second round, losing to Graf Ulrich von Brandenburg. My third tournament was the Sable Sword challenge. In the William Marshal format, I fought a lot. I think I had 12 or more passes before I needed a rest. I tried to pick anyone I had not fought during the day. This is when I actually got my one pass with Sir Almeric. I felt good all day. I was hot, tired and happy. All my fights were as clean as I could make them. I had some good moments and some do’ah moments, like you do. I laughed all day long. It was a blast. Little did I know, it was not over.

As I was walking about the eric socializing, Graf Ulric called me to his pavilion to let me know I was selected to be the recipient of a prize for having the best crusader kit on the field. A fiberglass spear shaft was gifted to me Grafina Katerina and Graf Ulrich. Totally unexpected. I had honestly forgot about the field competitions. I nice reward for a good day fighting I thought. Little did I know, I wasn’t done.

At the end of the day, the 2 finalists of each tournament are sent to the final round along with selected fighters chosen by each of the peerages and populace. That’s when Mistress Mijna approached with Graf Ulrich and Sir Griffin to let me know the Order of the Pelican had chosen me to be their champion in the final. I was flabbergasted. This was the first time for me in the many MGT events I had been to where I was selected to be a champion in the final. I did not do particularly well in the final. I fought hard and hope I proved a challenge to my opponents and represented the Order of the Pelican to a standard befitting the honor the gave me.

Video Credit Asa Kolbrun

I was asked afterward how it felt to be selected. At the time, the best I could come up with was ‘weird’. It just felt weird at the time. I attribute the response to this being the first time I had experienced it. Do not get me wrong, it was a very good experience. It was just odd in that in any other tournament you fight in, you win to progress. In this case I was selected by a poll of the order to represent them. I think missing that process of moving though the ranks of a normal tournament where you understand that if you win you will move forward is what felt off. The experience was not diminished in any way. After thinking on it, the honor given in the selection is worth more than a simple win your way out. You are selected because you had done something right. It is an award of sorts for your prowess and franchise. I am humbled by that thought. It says you did things right and people saw you. That realization made me feel proud. But, wait… there is more to come.

The Grand Tournament was won by Duke Boru in the end. There were many wonderful fights in the final. Great efforts and grand chivalry were on full display. It was a fitting end to the fighting day.

Later in court, I watched as the proceedings carried on and came to a close. But, before the close… my name was called. I had no expectations. I had no notions that I was up for anything. Their Majesties Garrick and Yasamin greeted me and bade me kneel. Then, they called up the Order of the Sable Sword. Dumbfounded. His majesty took my hand and spoke sincerely to me and just to me. Acknowledgement of my improvements. Recognition of my efforts. In these moments, we often lose the specific words. And I have. But, I remember the feelings, the warmth, the pride, the thankfulness. The scroll was read. The cloak of the order placed upon my shoulders. The Order of the Sable Sword welcomed me into their cadre. What an awesome end to the day.

Photo Credit Jose Perez

After court, we ate like kings on smoked meats and other delights. I sat with friends and we talked of all the things. Before he left, Sir Almeric gifted me a single link from his chain. Not a common tradition, but I had heard of it before. It’s an uncommon and meaningful honor. The gifting is a personal vote of support and gratitude. It is now part of my chain and his wisdom shared with me during the day will bolster my efforts going forward. Well met, Sir Almeric.

To say I had an awesome day would be an under embellishment. I had a rare day of good fortune that I would hope everyone has a chance to have at least once. I am very thankful for this hobby I share with so many good people that help to keep the dream alive.

Well met friends. Safe journey to thee!

Baron Eoin Mac Cana called 'Clyde'
Squire to Earl Benen MacTire
Warden of the Northern Plateau
Shire of Easaraigh
Kingdom of Meridies


Clyde’s Travels - Hausblot


Pulaski, TN
Hosted by the Shire of Loch an Fhraoich
September 23, 2023

As Summer made way for Autumn, I travelled from my plateau home to the lowlands of upper Meridies to visit our neighbors from Loch an Fhraoich for their harvest celebration, Hausblot.

The day long affair had many activities to entertain everyone, but I went for the fighting and found plenty of that to my liking.

The first tournament of the day was a 3v3 team melee. The list was round robin. Due to my lack of planning ahead, I thought to just pickup a team when I arrived. As the time for the list approached and teams were being announced, I found myself running solo. It is not the condition I had expected, but was willing to accept. As luck would have it though, the illustrious Duke Boru was nearby and upon overhearing my lack of a team, he took pity on me and announced boldly that he would stand with me. This was a pleasant surprise and we two, we happy two, looked to the upcoming challenge with enthusiastic vigor.

That’s when the fun began. From our first engagement to our last, chaos reigned. I did my best to establish ruin and confusion. His grace administered calm ducal judgment to those I left in my wake. Together, we almost succeeded in the improbable. We came in as runner up in the end. It was a lot of fun sharing the field with His Grace and definitely something I would have on my highlight reel (if such a thing existed).

We paused for lunch. The food was well prepared, tasty and plentiful. I hydrated and ate light to prepare myself for the afternoon combats. 

In the afternoon, I participated in a single elimination tournament. Each round was the best 2 out of 3. There were around 20 fighters I think. I made it to the semi final rounds. My fighting was clean and I felt good about it. I lost to the phenomenal fighter Marcus Lepidus who went on to challenge Sir Haldr for the final. 

After the fighting, there was a Baronial Court with Their Excellencies Glaedenfeld presiding. Some awards and recognitions were given. And the day was done.

I had a ton of fun, laughing all day. I got to spend time with my friends and hangout in the sun and shade on a late summer day. It was a good time and made the journey home joyous with the warmth of camaraderie found on the field with Loch an Fhraoich.

Well met friends. Safe journey to thee!

Baron Eoin Mac Cana called 'Clyde'
Squire to Earl Benen MacTire
Warden of the Northern Plateau
Shire of Easaraigh
Kingdom of Meridies

Clyde's Travels - Magna Faire 2024

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