
Clyde's Travel Log - Knight's Gambit 2025

Knight's Gambit 2025
Dalwhinnie Fields
Marion, AL
15 February 2025

During a warm respite from winter’s embrace, four companions, who call the Shire of Easaraigh home, did ride south through the dean unto the rolling hills surrounding Iron Mountain into the lowlands of Dalwhinnie Fields for the event, Knight’s Gambit. The long running event is a chance for armored combatants to test mettle in the Robert Hightower tournament with opponents not of the Order of Chivalry. Only non-chivalry are allowed to compete. After the tournament, the attending chivalry come to the fore for instruction and council for those aspiring to attain the rank of knight or just work on their craft. The traditional event of the Shire of Thorngill is a great place for those wanting to improve their trade in armored combat to test, train and hone their skills.

Photo of Sigmund, Ronan, Sindri, and I at the event.

I have attended the event several times over the years, but for my comrades from Easaraigh it was their first. With me there was Sindri Brynjarsson, a new and enthusiastic fyrdsman. Strong in the arts and secrets of Crom, he is always moving forward and learning. Sigmund Nacht made the journey. A more handsome fighter, both in and out of kit, you will never know. Well travelled in knowledge, having spent time in Trimaris, Sigmund is a true companion and as honorable as they come. Lastly, my squire brother and long time friend, Ronan of Axbridge filled out our party. Like Sindri, in his chest beats an artists heart but on the field he is a fierce foe not to be taken lightly. 

Our motley cadre travelled down the day before the event and stayed at lodging in the nearby hamlet of Marion, AL. The lodging was adequate, although unusually busier than normal for a remote inn. The location is a short distance from Dalwhinnie Fields. We arrived late in the evening and supped at a nearby restaurant that served Mexican cuisine called Chatinos. The food was good and filling after the long journey. Tired, we all retired to lodging to rest for the coming dawn.

The next day greeted us, cloudy with a strong breeze. We broke fast at the inn then went to the site to prepare for the day. Dalwhinnie fields has become a unique and popular venue in our hobby and adjacent hobbies alike. Having a medieval appearance, the site in middle Alabama is a great backdrop for creating an atmosphere and emersion for recreating history.

First on the days agenda was the Robert Hightower ‘Memorial’ (yes, they know he’s not dead yet) Tournament. Our troupe from Easaraigh all made ready and added our names to the list. The tournament had 30 entrants. It was a standard double elimination format. The list was excuted well and run without significant pause.

The warriors from Easaraigh all made a good accounting of themselves. Fighting with honor and determination honed in local training at home. Sindri turned heads in his adorned leather harness, advancing a few rounds before being matched with Sigmund, who won their pairing putting Sindri out of the list. Sigmund, with enviable franchise, made it a couple of more rounds before he was bested by Gato de Valencia. Ronan hit a wall named Boros the Bold shortly afterward, ending his very successful run of dual sword style in the tournament. I made it to the semifinal round where I lost to Xenos Theodrikes, a fellow companion of the Sable Sword, who would go on to win the tournament.

Video highlights of Easaraigh combatants in the tournament.

While the Robert Hightower Tournament is an important part of Knights Gambit, the true heart of the event is the chance for individual work with the knights that attend the event. This was the focus in the afternoon.

Prior to the start of the afternoon session, HRM Barthelemy, bade the Sable Sword, an order I am part of, to ‘hold the field’ after the tournament conclusion. And, we made an effort. But, it feels like we did not succeed. The idea, at least my interpretation of the intent, was that the Companions of the Sable Sword, an order who’s membership consists of tournament fighters chosen by tournament fighters to represent the best of Meridies in armored combat tournament, would accept challenges from anyone wanting to fight after the tournament before anything else happened. A break in the action between the tournament and the ‘Knight Action’ that was to follow. It started OK, but quickly fell away as the knights in attendance, who have been waiting around for a chance to get into kit and partake, flooded the eric and the field was suddenly a chaotic frenzy of pickup activity. We, the Sable Sword who were not knights, all but forgotten in the fray and soon went our own ways to find our own knights to challenge. Feels like we (or at least 'I') left something fall to the ground there and a penance is owed or maybe its just my sense of duty being overly critical. At the very least, the execution of the directive could have been done better. Something to work on.

So, the knights entered the eric and took command. Either through patiently waiting for walkup challenges or requests, or by seeking out individuals that they felt needed their attention or council. In any case, the list was crowded for the rest of the afternoon. Sparring, conversation, comradery would rule the rest of the day. Each of us, my companions and I, sought our own trials, heading our separate ways. Occasionally our paths would cross, questions would be aired 'Have you met Sir So-and-so' or 'let me show you want Sir Whosit just taught me', As I said, this is the real focus of the event. Each armored combatant followed their own syllabus. An afternoon of lessons and contest to draw upon until each person's cup run over.

Photp of Ronan receiving his award.

During the afternoon, HRM Bartelemy called the populace to order and opened court. Therein, he made Ronan of Axbridge a companion of the Argent Shield. The Argent Shield is an order for armored combatants who have demonstarted skill and passion for all things related to armored combat in our hobby.

As is the nature of things, exhaustion found it's way into all of us and the list, once full, slowly emptied with nothing but the echos of combat carried on the wind to remind the us what had occurred. The contingent from Easaraigh, having left its mark on the field packed out and left Dalwhinnie. An encroaching storm lending some urgency to our step. It was a fun day spent in kit with friends and mentors that will not soon be forgotten.

Knight's Gambit, a worthy tradition in the Kingdom of Meridies. Our short stay caused us to miss the Friday night chess, the afternoon court and the evening feast. But, I am sure it was all outstanding as evidenced by the small portion of the event we did take part in. Our thanks to the Shire of Thorngill. 

Well met friends. Safe journey to thee!

Meistr Eoin Mac Cana called 'Clyde'
Squire to Earl Benen MacTire
Warden of the Northern Plateau
Shire of Easaraigh
Kingdom of Meridies


Clyde's Travels - Folkgemot

University of West Georgia
Carrollton, GA
February 8, 2025

On Saturday, February 8th, 2025, I attended a ‘new’ style of event for the Kingdom of Meridies called ‘Folkgemot’. It was a day of meetings and managing some of the administration of the kingdom as required by the law of the kingdom and the charters of the various orders within. It was a trimmed down, trial run and a new concept that Meridies has not tried in recent memory.

A viking Allthing

A little history… folkgemot, the name, is derived from old English. The word and its variations span across cultures and time to identify traditions from Germanic cultures pertaining to meetings and/or meeting places. The etymology is ‘folc’ for ‘people’ and ‘mot or gemot’ for ‘meeting’. A ‘people meeting’ in literal terms. It’s the concept of people gathering to conduct the business of whatever it is they need to do or are doing. In many uses, it is related to open communication between leaders and the people. In Norse, Dane cultures, you sometimes hear the term ‘thing’ for a similar concept.

The Meridian Folkgemot was a planned set meetings in this first iteration. It has been tradition in Meridies to hold Order meetings on the back of traditional events in our kingdom. When I reference meetings, I refer to both the Orders of Peerage and the grant-level polling orders within this kingdom that each meet up to twice (or more times) a year. While convenient in theory to hold meetings at a normal event, this can take away people from the event for said meeting(s). Having official meetings at an event can be a drag on event participation and enjoyment for those involved. For example, I attended Castle Wars last year. I am in 3 polling orders and all three had meetings at the event. That tied me up for a little over 3 hours of my Saturday to attend said meetings. Time that I would have rather spent out of the fighting field or doing anything but sitting in a crowded space making use of Robert’s Rules.

At Folkgemot, I had 4 meetings to attend. I should note that the event was free to attend other than travel and boarding. I drove from my home and returned on the same day, so my expense was minimal. This first time run was limited to Peerage and polling order meetings. There was none of the other trappings normally associated with an SCA event. No food or classes were involved. Just business. There is hope that in a future iteration of this event that there be a fuller schedule to include classes on various topics and other accoutrements. 

Folkgemot schedule.

The experience was good, even in the economy version footprint. In the morning hours, I attended 3 polling order meetings. Efficient. I had a break both during and after lunch. During that time I sat around socializing. Watched some gents playing MTG. I also was able to sacrifice myself on the chess board to His Lordship Martin de Bernay for a couple of rounds. First time I have played in many, many years. In the afternoon, I attended my first Order of the Pelican meeting.

And that was my day. 

I was intrigued by the idea that Folkgemot presented. The practical archaeologist in me reveled (well, at least was strongly content) in participating in an activity that people have been doing throughout history. Yes, it was just SCA meetings, but framed in this idea of a clan gathering or a village assembly was cool (ish). I also like the idea of ‘just getting on with it’ in the Monty Python sense. Get all this stuff done now, in one place. Now, I don’t have to sacrifice any of my event participation for the next several months to ‘order business’ and miss out of what it happening at an event for it. That has a lot of value when you are part of a bunch of Orders in your kingdom.

There is a good chance this folkgemot concept will blossom and grow. It could have classes run by the different orders (what is the order of whatever, how to I get in the order of whosit, etc). Maybe there could be a curia at the next one or classes on how to run a feast or how to be a group officer. It could be a event driven by celebrating what the SCA is and how Meridies works. There is a lot of possibilities. Its neat to think about. I can hear Mr. Burns in my head, ‘Excellent!’.

Well met friends. Safe journey to thee!

Meistr Eoin Mac Cana called 'Clyde'
Squire to Earl Benen MacTire
Warden of the Northern Plateau
Shire of Easaraigh
Kingdom of Meridies


Clyde's Travels - Meridies War College and Fighters Collegium

Meridies War College and Fighters Collegium
College of Phoenix Rising
Etowah County Fairgrounds
Atalla, AL
25 January 2025

Banner from event flyer.

Before a dawning sun made it’s warmth known, in the depths of winter’s embrace, did Sigmund Nacht and I set forth to attend the Kingdom of Meridies War College and Fighter's Collegium. The journey through the southern passes from our Cumbrian plateau home was uneventful, arriving at the event site just as sol made it appearance over the eastern ridgeline overlooking us.

The land was embraced in the sharpness of wintertide, a blanket of frost yet slumbered awaiting the light’s rays to urge it on it’s way. Sigmund and I found a small attendance at the site and found it confusing that more had not arrived to the event. It was then that we discovered that the schedule had changed… our early departure from our warm beds was a good 3 hours early for the new time table for the event. 

While we had time to spare, we went ahead and prepared for the day in an unrushed manner. Eventually, others came about and we went through some warm up sparring as the other attendees made themselves ready for the day's activities. 

The War College and Fighter's Collegium combined event is a day of classes and exercises targeting the martial disciplines of our SCA hobby. There were tutorials for all disciplines with knowledgeable instruction followed by demonstration and/or practical application of the skills being taught.  Attendance was good, but probably lower than desired for a Kingdom level event. 

I was on the schedule to teach one class, 'A non-fighters guide to SCA combat'. I had two newcomers attend and was happy that I was able to share the class with them. I was also asked to assist with the small unit tactics class. Specifically, I was there to lead the discussion the ‘Charge’ concepts in melee for armored combatants. After the small unit tactics class, I supported the practical exercises and after action discussion. Because of the schedule changes and the classes I was involved in, I only had minimal time in kit actually fighting. That’s is OK. Sometimes your day can be that way, where you provide more support than anything else.

I was able attend a classes about ‘Aggressive Shield Techniques’ taught by Duke Wulfstan and ‘Polearms’ by Giermundr. Both classes were very good and well attended.

My travel companion, Sigmund, was inducted into the Order of the Argent Shield (while I was teaching a class). The Argent Shield is a first tier award for armored combatants in Meridies. Both earned and deserved, the recognition looks good on him. Huzzah!

In between the activities, I managed a couple of pickup fights. But, I mostly rekindled friendships and discussed plans for the upcoming Gulf Wars event with my fellow legionnaires of the Legio Ursi order. 

Big SCA war events require some level of advanced planning by the participants, not just the event staff. The average combatant to these events rarely puts much thought into the scenarios or how they play out. For a few, there is always some planning and preparation done before the event. We have commanders, starting with our reigning sovereign down to the members of the Legio Ursi, talking through and brainstorming ideas on how to succeed and win the different scenarios. I’ve been privileged to be included, on some small scale, in these activities for the past several years. It’s interesting. No plan survives the call of ‘lay on’, but it has really helped my perspective and appreciation for melee combat. My situational awareness is vastly better for the knowledge. By the time Gulf Wars starts, there will be a plan in place for how Meridies enters the fray and how we and our allies can achieve victory.

As old man winter, began to blanket the site with his icy breath, Sigmund and I loaded our mounts and spurred northward. Jovial discussion carried us up the valley and back to our hearth and home. 

Sigmund and I forgot to take any pictures, so here is the one we did take procuring victuals at a local royal eatery.

Our thanks to the College of Phoenix Rising for being an excellent host. Due to our travel itinerary, Sigmund and I did not partake in the feast offering. I am sure the menu delicious. We also did not stay for court, our most humble apologies to Their Royal Majesties. For these reasons, my overall commentary is fairly brief. 

Well met friends. Safe journey to thee!

Meistr Eoin Mac Cana called 'Clyde'
Squire to Earl Benen MacTire
Warden of the Northern Plateau
Shire of Easaraigh
Kingdom of Meridies

Clyde's Travel Log - Knight's Gambit 2025

Knight's Gambit 2025 Dalwhinnie Fields Marion, AL 15 February 2025 During a warm respite from winter’s embrace, four companions, who cal...