
Clyde's Travels - Meridies War College and Fighters Collegium

Meridies War College and Fighters Collegium
College of Phoenix Rising
Etowah County Fairgrounds
Atalla, AL
25 January 2025

Banner from event flyer.

Before a dawning sun made it’s warmth known, in the depths of winter’s embrace, did Sigmund Nacht and I set forth to attend the Kingdom of Meridies War College and Fighter's Collegium. The journey through the southern passes from our Cumbrian plateau home was uneventful, arriving at the event site just as sol made it appearance over the eastern ridgeline overlooking us.

The land was embraced in the sharpness of wintertide, a blanket of frost yet slumbered awaiting the light’s rays to urge it on it’s way. Sigmund and I found a small attendance at the site and found it confusing that more had not arrived to the event. It was then that we discovered that the schedule had changed… our early departure from our warm beds was a good 3 hours early for the new time table for the event. 

While we had time to spare, we went ahead and prepared for the day in an unrushed manner. Eventually, others came about and we went through some warm up sparring as the other attendees made themselves ready for the day's activities. 

The War College and Fighter's Collegium combined event is a day of classes and exercises targeting the martial disciplines of our SCA hobby. There were tutorials for all disciplines with knowledgeable instruction followed by demonstration and/or practical application of the skills being taught.  Attendance was good, but probably lower than desired for a Kingdom level event. 

I was on the schedule to teach one class, 'A non-fighters guide to SCA combat'. I had two newcomers attend and was happy that I was able to share the class with them. I was also asked to assist with the small unit tactics class. Specifically, I was there to lead the discussion the ‘Charge’ concepts in melee for armored combatants. After the small unit tactics class, I supported the practical exercises and after action discussion. Because of the schedule changes and the classes I was involved in, I only had minimal time in kit actually fighting. That’s is OK. Sometimes your day can be that way, where you provide more support than anything else.

I was able attend a classes about ‘Aggressive Shield Techniques’ taught by Duke Wulfstan and ‘Polearms’ by Giermundr. Both classes were very good and well attended.

My travel companion, Sigmund, was inducted into the Order of the Argent Shield (while I was teaching a class). The Argent Shield is a first tier award for armored combatants in Meridies. Both earned and deserved, the recognition looks good on him. Huzzah!

In between the activities, I managed a couple of pickup fights. But, I mostly rekindled friendships and discussed plans for the upcoming Gulf Wars event with my fellow legionnaires of the Legio Ursi order. 

Big SCA war events require some level of advanced planning by the participants, not just the event staff. The average combatant to these events rarely puts much thought into the scenarios or how they play out. For a few, there is always some planning and preparation done before the event. We have commanders, starting with our reigning sovereign down to the members of the Legio Ursi, talking through and brainstorming ideas on how to succeed and win the different scenarios. I’ve been privileged to be included, on some small scale, in these activities for the past several years. It’s interesting. No plan survives the call of ‘lay on’, but it has really helped my perspective and appreciation for melee combat. My situational awareness is vastly better for the knowledge. By the time Gulf Wars starts, there will be a plan in place for how Meridies enters the fray and how we and our allies can achieve victory.

As old man winter, began to blanket the site with his icy breath, Sigmund and I loaded our mounts and spurred northward. Jovial discussion carried us up the valley and back to our hearth and home. 

Sigmund and I forgot to take any pictures, so here is the one we did take procuring victuals at a local royal eatery.

Our thanks to the College of Phoenix Rising for being an excellent host. Due to our travel itinerary, Sigmund and I did not partake in the feast offering. I am sure the menu delicious. We also did not stay for court, our most humble apologies to Their Royal Majesties. For these reasons, my overall commentary is fairly brief. 

Well met friends. Safe journey to thee!

Meistr Eoin Mac Cana called 'Clyde'
Squire to Earl Benen MacTire
Warden of the Northern Plateau
Shire of Easaraigh
Kingdom of Meridies

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