One of the quirkier things about the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is its predilection toward using belts to signify bonds between people. The bonds take many forms. Membership, tutelage, service, status and more are represented by the simplicity of a belt of a designated color.
Recent events in life have brought this idea of belts to the fore of my thoughts this weekend. Since this is a blog, I ramble freely. Beware.
27 years ago, I was just starting out in my SCA hobby with some college friends. One of them, Ulrich , heard about a guy who worked with his father and lived nearby that was in the SCA as well. That was the first time I met Hadi. That meeting is where I was truly 'hooked' on the SCA. While I arguably was clueless at that point in time as to how it all worked, it was then that my SCA journey truly started. It was also then that I would start forging a bond that would change who I am and how I looked at the world.
Shortly after our first meeting, Hadi began teaching another friend of mine, Fionn, and I how to do armoring. To signify that student/teacher relationship, Hadi gifted Fionn and I with a simple natural colored leather belt with a hammer and anvil carved into the tongue of the belt. This was the first belt gifted to me in SCA terms which, had no real significance in SCA hierarchy. It was only significant to Hadi, Fionn and I. It represented a bond between us. The bond of student and teacher.
I wore that belt at every SCA event. It made me feel like I was part of something, empowered. That simple belt would come to represent more as time when on. It would represent a kinship to Hadi and his wife, Ameraulde. The belt was a foundation block of friendship that told me I was accepted into the fold. It brought me into a house and a family that was not given to me by birth or sharing of common genetics. It was a family of choice and mutual respect. Of course, at the time, I was ignorant and never thought of what it was. I only knew that I enjoyed spending time with these new friends and sought out any chance I could to spend time with them.
A few years later, I was there to witness a high point in Meridian history. The double elevation of Hadi was a very great day. Wearing my 'armoring' belt, I was Hadi and Ameraulde's page that day. Most people never grasp the idea of giving ones 'service' to another freely, without question. I can tell you, that was one of the happiest days I have every had. I witnessed SCA history from the sidelines carrying this and moving that. I loved every minute of it. The greatness of that day all started with the granting of a belt. A white belt was given to Hadi placing him into the Order of Chivalry. It seems silly, but seeing him being elevated made me feel like I was also being elevated. I know he truly felt the power of a simple white belt because it inspired him to win the crown list that followed. He was always a great fighter in SCA terms, but I never saw him so focused, so determined, as he was that day. I felt so proud (and shocked I must say) when he won. I remember hiding behind a cabin afterward, the three of us. The shock of the days events setting in. Looking back, it's easy to blame the belt.
During that time, our bond of friendship and family became solid, unbreakable. I had no doubt that should I ever call, they would be there. I know that I would do likewise, without question. New members were introduced to the family, now with belts of their own. Black for household members and red for squires to Hadi.
I was not the first squire to Hadi, as some of you may be guessing by this writing. I was actually the third squire. Carlwyn and Gryphon went before me. Grog, Patrick and Kyppyn came after. I received my red belt from Hadi at Border Raids in 1992. That was another very good day as I was also presented with my AoA at the same time. The red belt is an official symbol of apprenticeship of a fighter to a knight in the SCA. It is a symbol of someone who aspires to be a knight in the Society and I cherished it and the 'status' it provided me.
To me, the red belt was a high honor from a friend. I don't think I ever really saw it as a transitional symbol of 'knight-in-training' that I should have. I was already a decent combatant. I absorbed almost everything Hadi ever taught me about fighting. I just never had the drive to be anything more. I never saw past Hadi and becoming a peer in the SCA. The bond of the belt as a representation of friendship was greater to me that the promise of opportunity it represented in a peerage.
Present day. several years have gone by and Hadi, my friend, has passed on. The red belt, signifying apprenticeship to him, is now orphaned. His white belt, signifying chivalry, will fade away. Only the armoring belt, a gift from a friend and mentor all those years ago, remains along with our bond.
The bond of friendship was never dependent on the belts. The belts were only physical representations of peripheral concerns that were never part of the bond that was forged between two men. This SCA hobby of ours is just that, a hobby. And like all hobbies it has its rules and etiquette. But, underneath all the trappings of the hobby lies the bonds we make with the people we share the hobby with. In my case, those bonds were greater because of the opportunity the SCA provided. 27 years later I know that while I enjoy the hobby, underneath it all it was the bonds that kept me playing.
So, kiddies, when you are packing that bag for the event, or the fighter practice, or the meeting... Take a long look at the belt, or token or other SCA symbol you shoved in there and ask yourself what it means to you. Hopefully you will get a smile that warms your heart and fills you with emotion, like I do.
Ld Eoin Mac Cana, CACM
Shire of Easaraigh
Kingdom of Meridies
Burlap is itchy. Hammers are hard. I had an itch to share some thoughts and sometimes it's hard.
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