Iris Faire 2016
Montgomery Bell State Park (Burns, TN)
Barony of Glaedenfeld
April 15-17, 2016
Montgomery Bell State Park (Burns, TN)
Barony of Glaedenfeld
April 15-17, 2016
On the 16th of April, I attended Iris Faire and the Baronial Investiture of Glaedenfeld.
It was a very good day for all in attendance, but it was a strange day for me as I look back on it.
Iris Faire represented the 1 year mark since I returned to the fighting field. It was also the return of a Baronial seat in Glaedenfeld. If those two things are not enough, the day also represented the erasure of a black mark in Meridian history that was presided over by my late knight and his lady when they were on the throne. Lots of weird feelings to say the least.
The day was beautiful. It was the very best example of a spring day of northern Meridies that Mother Nature gifted to the Glaedenfelders. I brought out Hadi's banner for the event. Im not normally spiritual, but if felt like he needed to be there to witness the restoration of Glaedenfeld and see one of his own ascend to the Baronial seat.
For the past year I have seen a lot of our western neighbors. This is a group operating at a high level. Everyone I have met in the group is welcoming and friendly. They are outgoing and generous. The chemistry of this group is special in no uncertain terms. They truly seem to enjoy each others company. You don't always see that in an SCA group. It is rare and precious and, as far as I can tell, it is being nurtured with great care in Glaedenfeld.
For my part, I witnessed very little of the event activities. After arriving and setting up my sunshades for our shire attendees (there were 11 of us), I turned into a turnip and planted my self next to the tourney field. Not the best thing I could have done with my day, but I enjoyed my ringside seat no-less. So, here are my observations from my perch. Really a shape considering the effort my wife, Lady Ellen, put into my new fighting garb. I can at least say I looked good on the field for what little time I spent on it.
The Investiture ceremony occurred early in the day. My brother Sir Griffin and Mistress Stephanie looked most regal in the green tones of their baronial garb. The Glaedenfelders appeared to be floating on air all day long. There was the sacrifice of a sheep and reading of its 'parts' (no animals were actually harmed). I honestly missed most of the dialogue. But, I could see the enjoyment of all those involved.
The winds picked up during the investiture court and I had to jump up to catch a popup shade turned tumbleweed (with some help). After it was caught and stowed, we offered the owners half of our sunshade. Turns out we inherited a large crowd from Gleann Ahbhan and Trimaris to include Duke John Bearkiller and Duke Padruig. Funny how things turn out. They were all good company and were very appreciative. One small act of kindness achieved. Very cool.
My home shire, Easaraigh, presented two gifts to the Barony. The first was a tapestry of a tree with heraldry of all the regions groups showing Glaedenfeld at its heart. The second gift was a humble table of aspen and oak of a Greek design (look ma, only 3 legs). We presented them out of court. As we had presumed and witnessed later, court was long. While we didn't get the populace's appreciation of a court presentation, that is not my shire's way. The gift's were not for recognition, they were for our friend's and neighbor's who have been so gracious and supportive to us.
I fought in the heavy list, in a way. The list had 34 combatants. To prevent many bye fights, 4 of us fought out of list, best 2 out of 3 to whittle the list down to 32. I was lucky enough to be drawn in the 4. I walked onto the field with Arlen MacBlair MeicKane. He was fighting with a bad wheel so started on his knees. This took me by surprise, so I dropped to my knees to start the fight even. We traded the first two passes. In the third, I took his arm. I gave another act of chivalry and fought him with my right hand to his left. After a few exchanges, he bounced one off my grill and I was done. I sat the rest of the day until the tourney was over. Arlen went on and fought honorably all day. He went far into the list even with his injury. Im glad he had a good day.
Looking back on it, I exited the last Iris Faire tourney on an act of chivalry. Seems I still have something to work on. Act of Chivalry is OK, but don't put yourself at a disadvantage. Earl Benen provide the much need constructive commentary upon my return to my seat. It was good to hear his thoughts. Im glad he is coming out more. For my part, its just a silly habit I picked up somewhere. It is to a point now where I am penalizing myself rather than honoring my opponent. Hard lesson learned. Will I do it again. Probably. I just need to start balancing my advantage better in the strategy of the game and start minimizing bad habits.
The list ran long into the afternoon. Duke Thomas pulled out the win over Haldr from Rising Stone. Looked like a well fought list. Our own Earl Benen did very well in the list, so our shire did have some representation besides me.
Credit to M'lady Racaire for the fighting photos.
At the end of the list I managed a some pickups. If I recall correctly, I exchanged blows Sir Bart, Count Mordan, Duke Thomas and Haldr before taking off my armor. All were excellent fights. I managed to get a few takeways to work on from it and other than being ate up by Duke Thomas, did not fair badly.
Court started soon after. It was long, as I said before. But there was much happiness. 2 elevations to Laurel, many principle inductees into the new Glaedenfeld orders and other recognitions. Joy. Gifts. The end. Hail Hydra!
My Easaraigh party returned to our shade. Shortly before court, Her Excellency Stephanie, honored us with the gift of three seats at high table for our three newcomers. I escorted them to the feast hall and turned them over to the care of Glaedenfeld. When I returned to the shade, Styrbjorn and Marek had fired up the grills and were cooking our shire meal. It had been a long day. 7 of us sat under the shade and chatted as we cooked and then ate. We have a most pleasant shire group and it was an enjoyable, relaxing close to the day.
Our newcomers returned soon after with broad smiles upon their faces. They were full, content, and very energized. Our Glaedenfeld friends provided a most excellent end to their day. Thanks to his Majesty Adhemar, and Their Excellencies Sir Gõcauo, Mistress Sibéal, Sir Griffin and Mistress Stephanie. I think the people they helped nurture with the simple act of good company over a meal will grow to be strong Scadians in the near future. They were most impressed.
This Iris Faire I witnessed the restoration of greatness lost. I saw good friends being raised up. Our Shire of Easaraigh showed itself to be a good friend and neighbor. We exposed newcomers to a true, fully involved SCA event. I shared in the company of my shire and enjoyed all of it. Sometimes its not what we do but what we don't that makes a good event. Just being there. Witnessing kingdom history. Sharing in the celebration and happiness. Sometimes, that all it takes to make a good event.
Well met friends. Safe journey to thee!