
Clyde's Travels - Castle Wars 2023: the Festival of St. Martin

Castle Wars 2023: the Festival of St. Martin
McIntosh Reserve Park in Whitesburg, Georgia
Barony of South Downs
November 16-19, 2023

Sigmund and I. Photo bomb courtesy of Duke Bryce.
This past weekend, the squires two, Sigmund and Eoin, made the trek southward from the lands of Cumbria into the rolling hills on the outskirts of the Barony of South Downs for the event called Castle Wars. Our passage was uneventful there and back again. We had many discussions of life, the universe and everything on our journey, arriving at the event looking forward to quality melee time and the joy that would bring.

My memories of the day centered on the armored combat field, the order meetings that followed, and the philosophical ideals that the SCA holds dear. I did not find the opportunity to 'do all the things' but the quality of what I did participate in was top shelf.

The combat of the day was excellent. While there were some on the field not of our kingdom (most notably HRH Christopher of Atlantia), this was basically a home scrimmage of Meridian soldiery. From the newest rank in file foots soldier to HRM Timothy, all ranks were well represented. We had somewhere in the ball park of 60 combatants on the field armed with sword/shield, spear, polearm, and bow. Everyone was enjoying the cool weather and sharing in the euphoric happiness of melee combat. Smiles abounded as we tested our metal against each other at the gate, on the bridge and in the field. I played my role as shield man and line breaker in the wall. In the press, I found comfort, laughter and contentment. There was bliss there in the autumn sun with the cool breeze and banners popping to the rhythm of our clashes. We all had really good day in the bright clear sky with friends before the grey winter makes its presence known.

I retired from the field to attend to two of the Meridian grant level polling orders I am a member of, Legio Ursi and Sable Sword, who were having meetings. This took up a chunk of my afternoon.

Recognition to any grant level order, I have learned, is a two-sided coin with each Order having it’s own wants and needs. The first side of the coin shows the prestige and faith bestowed by your peers in who YOU are and what YOU do in regards to that Order’s area of emphasis. The second side reveals an obligation that you take a place within the ranks the Order and to carry the Order forward into the future. Being in three grant level Orders now (Bough, Legio Ursi and Sable Sword), I am amazed at how different each Order operates and conducts it’s business. Finding your voice in grant level polling Order and figuring out ‘how it all works’ within the Order is a challenging aspect that I had not thought about until I sat in my first meeting. Each experience is very much its own. I temper my presence in these Orders with a healthy level of self-doubt on my own worthiness to be included in the membership. This, in my mind, keeps me honest. All Orders will tell you that you earned it, you put yourself in the Order. And, that sentiment is true to an extent. But, a steady dose of humility provides me a foundation from which I can perch myself as I listen to the counsel of my peers in the Orders while I frame my own opinions. Its only from my own experience that I can find my voice and provide sound counsel of my own to these Orders. That very personal experience is the ‘bar’ I have created to gauge others worthiness to join me in the Orders that I am in. That ‘bar’ also can be a very complex thing to put a finger on because an Order is the sum of its parts. Those parts can be all over the scale when it comes to what a standard is for membership. The scale changes over time based on the needs of the Order, the Kingdom and the current events of the Society as a whole. The direction of an Order (read: requirements for admission) is announced through witnessing the newly inducted members in court. Each new member becomes an exemplar of the Orders standard and this drives, in essence, our Kingdoms perception (as a people) of what is ‘the right way’ to excel in the various fields of emphasis each Order oversees.  It’s a complex mix of feelings, ideas, and perceptions that comes together to elevate a person to a new station in the kingdom. My right to vote on the membership of an Order and that individual being an example of the Order’s ideals carries a lot of weight in my mind. Its one of the small ‘democratic’ processes that lie in the heart of our Kingdom and Society. I am in awe that I get to be part of the process, share in the recognition and help, in some small part, guide the direction of our Anachronistic world forward.

Later in the evening, Sigmund and I sat court as the business of the Kingdom moved forward and many fine people were lifted up for all present to see. The event cycled, as they do, and came to a close as the sun set upon us and the firelight held the encroaching darkness at bay.

One of the discussions Sigmund and I had as we traveled, was on the ideal the SCA holds in ‘The Dream’. The Dream can be a vague concept, maybe even hard to grasp for some. It can be in a lot of things, but we SCAdians choose to seek it in recreational historical reenactment. We are weird that way and insistent that our hobby is the place to find it. I share agreement with Sigmund that The Dream is not necessarily a big thing. It can and might be mostly, small things and short moments. The Dream can be a thought, an experience, a sight, or anything really. The conditions can be finicky. We can spoil it by not caretaking it properly. We can promote it by accident. It’s silly. It’s serious. It can save lives. It can change attitudes. It can provide purpose. The Dream is a lot and… it is nothing.

Both of us felt, without doubt, that The Dream was there at Castle Wars for us. There were moments scattered throughout the day where The Dream was tangible. The tithes paid in full. The right mix of attitude, act and environs. You just let it be, there on the edge of your perception. Barely noticeable but fixed in place. A feeling of content satisfaction overwhelms you. A spring finds its way into your step. You grin for no dang reason. You are just happy. Its there. That is The Dream. Im thankful for everyone that was there to share their time in that field by the river in the land of South Downs. You brought your game and the The Dream found us. It was awesome!

Well met friends. Safe journey to thee!

Baron Eoin Mac Cana called 'Clyde'
Squire to Earl Benen MacTire
Warden of the Northern Plateau
Shire of Easaraigh
Kingdom of Meridies

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