
Clyde's Travels - Castle Wars: The Ancient Olympic Games

Bert Adams Scout Camp
Covington, GA
Hosted by the Barony of South Downs
November 21-24, 2024

As the autumnal celebratory preparations were manifesting in the Cumbrian lands of northern Meridies, I made my way through the southern passes to the heartland of our fair kingdom to the event known as Castle Wars. Hosted by the Barony of South Downs, the annual event has become a regular call to arms for training and planning for the army of Meridies. Added to this year's call, the sovereign had proclaimed a war council be held with representation from all the martial orders of our kingdom.

Photo by me.

I arrived at the war camp in the late evening on the 22nd of November. A chill was settling in the fall breeze. The walls of the hill fort stood tall in dusk shadow. Winter’s slumber was attempting to cover the camp in its embrace. Staying in a nearby inn, I corralled my horse and cart at the local stable before making my way into the camp proper to meet compatriots and find a warm fire. 


There were two peerage vigils slated for the evening, Captain Stefano Roggio (MoD) and THLady Essyllt Þrasa Fostra (Pelican). While I waited for the candidates to be put on vigil, I wandered a bit, helped setup a tent or two, and chatted with friends I came across. This being the first event since my own elevation, there were several people who, unable to attend the event where the action took place, offered commendation for the accolade. I accepted the commentary with my usual awkwardness or simple ‘thank you’. I am truly happy that folks think enough to recognize the achievement, even if I attempt to fly under cover and not draw attention to it. I am making an effort to not downplay the whole ‘thing’ in my efforts to move on and continue doing my own thing. It’s a bit of trying to find new footing with the new status.


Photo by me.

So anyway, I thought I would try to attend the vigils and do unto others now that I’m a peer. I did not attend vigils as a general rule prior to becoming a peer myself. It was a decision I made a while back, influenced by old SCA theory in my head. Specifically, it wasn’t that I don’t go to vigils, it is that I did not sign up for the ‘one on one’ time with the candidate that occurs during the vigil. Which, is the most important part of it and the whole point of the vigil. Yes, my vigil philosophy may have been dumb, especially in the light of current practice. As I write this, I don’t have a good answer as to why I set this personal rule in effect. <scratching head> Maybe, it’s a couple of things. For one, I wasn’t a peer and felt that advice and counsel for a  new peer should come from someone already in the order(s). Second, if I am honest with myself, I have a certain amount of discomfort in those situations where there is an expectation of something from me in what I consider a personal space. It’s claustrophobic and uncomfortable to me. While my elevation changed the first thing, it did not clear the second thing for me. With all of this in mind, I went to both vigils and chickened out on actually sitting down with either of them. Maybe Ill seek them out in a less formal space and offer some words of wisdom. Both, thankfully, had a vigil book. So, I took to quill and parchment and left them a message that I hope would have been as good as anything I might have said in person to them. It was a small thing, but felt right and still does. When I think of all the people that attended mine and spoke to me, I know I lost a lot of what was said. That silly vigil book though.. now that lasts and as long as they can read my handwriting will be with them. I think I am OK with that and maybe that will be my way to give them their due and share my bit of knowledge. 


Late in the evening I departed and retired to my room at the inn for rest.


The following day was heralded by clear, bright, blue skies. The good breeze blew banners proudly with a chill touch to it. It was not uncomfortable but ideal for martial activities.


As the army gathered, I socialized and offered some assistance to the royal retinue with pavilion and throne. To warmup and shake out my kit, I fought a few bouts with Sir Erick Griffin, an always worthy opponent. Soon thereafter, Sir Fiachna mac Phiaraic called us to the field for the scheduled battles.

I want to take a moment to shine some sunlight on the efforts of Sir Fiachna. As an armored combatant, I will say that it is and has always been a ‘damn fine’ experience having the honor to participate in combat scenarios he designs. The attention to detail is phenomenal. The historical hooks grounding them is masterful. We never get the same ole’ stuff when we play in his sandbox. I wholly look forward to being part of what he plans for our community. He challenges us on tactic and strategy. He revels in not only our enjoyment of his plan but in equal measure when we find a way to break his plan through our ingenuity.  There are very few in our community with a real knack for designing combat scenarios. Sir Fiachna is a true architect and master of the skill. Thank you, sir. Thank you.

Photo by me.

The scenarios, all based on Greek historical battles, led us through antiquity from the walls of Troy to Hellsgate to Greek myth. I fought my role as a shield man with tower shield and sword. I regret not being on the same side with my warband comrades, but team balancing was important and I went with Crawhere to the opposing side. There were many green hoods (the warband badge of affiliation) on the field, the warband is strong and I was happy to test my mettle against them and provide them a worthy challenge when I opposed them. Through several scenarios, outlines linked to this report, I did my best to fill my role within the tactical need demanded by the scenario. Most of this meant standing ground and owning control points and bottlenecks in the layout. This is the type of fighting I do well in and I had a blast. The toll of exhaustion hit hard later in the day, though.  If you every wanted to know what is was like to be a rock pounded by ocean waves, the work I did this day was a good facsimile. The combat was good. Friendly. Lots of smiling faces everywhere I looked. It was a really good fighting experience.


Sir Fiachnas scenarios page 1

Sir Fiachnas scenarios page 2

Later in the afternoon, my agenda took me from the fighting field to order meetings. The Bough, Legio Ursi, and Sable Sword all held counsel with our sovereigns. There was also a war council gathering. After that, I attended court as retinue for HRM and stood with the thrones to witness many recognitions and the wealth of our Kingdom in deed, story and generosity on display. I watched, first hand, the ceremonies for Master Stephano and Mistress Essylit and the bestowing of their regalia. I saw new bears being added to the ursine mantle and many new branches added to the Bough. The court was long, but worthy. Two more artifacts of Meridies past joined the Horn of Fidelity, the Mirror of Veritas and the Shield of Vert Pine. These were presented to their Majesties in court. The Iron Legion and Sir Conal Mac Dale and his Argonauts returning them home. The quest to advert the unknown peril as foretold by sorcerer Malachar proceeds well. Eight artifacts from Meridian history are required to stave off the threat. Three of the artifacts have been found now, 5 more to go.

Photo by me.

Court closed, I served a bit longer into the evening before HRM released me. My vigor spent, I packed my day camp and headed back to the inn for rest. The site, Camp Bert Adams, is a really nice place to visit with good facilities. The journey to site from the Cumbrian plateau to the north can be challenging but manageable. I left the Inn the following morning and made the trek North. My travel home was thankfully uneventful, making the journey in good time.


I heap praise on the Barony of South Downs for an excellent day in the sun. Your bountiful hospitality and welcoming nature always makes visiting a worthwhile endeavor. Thank you.

Meistr Eoin Mac Cana, OP
Warden of the Nothern Plateau
Squire to Earl Benen MacTire
Shire of Easaraigh
Kingdom of Meridies
SCA, Inc


Thoughts on my Elevation to the Order of the Pelican

 Surreal. Strange. Wonderous. Unsettling. Joyous.


The Order of the Pelican in my home Kingdom of Meridies decided this year that they have had enough of my working behind the scenes and getting away with it. So offended they were by my free-range service to this hobby, they demanded something be done. So, they swooped in and slapped a medallion and Cap of Maintenance on me. Performing the official ‘I got dibs’ that peerage orders of the SCA are known for doing from time to time. The date was November 9th, A.S. LIX being 2024 Gregorian. My last day as a freelance helper and service opportunist.


Realization is slowly creeping in on my understanding of my place in the known world. I ‘yam what I yam’. But, I am also not. I feel a subtle resistance to the changes in my perception. I feel as I was before. But, my world is imposing new parameters. Something to come to terms with. Many advised me in my vigil that changes would occur while also telling me to not change who I am. A new balance will be established. This I think I know already. 


My path is that of a squire and still is. This Pelican recognition was not expected or planned for. I fight and I serve from the perspective of what I have been taught as a squire. My school of squirely study was one of fighting being the first task, but everything else in this hobby also warrants attention. It’s not enough to just fight. To be a knight, more is expected. That is the foundation laid before me all those years ago as I was first taken as a squire. Most of us old squires live in this ideal.


To those new and old squires out there, getting a recognition outside of your chosen path is a frightful thing for some you.  You should not be scared of recognitions that are not fighting related. Some of you might think that receiving a peerage other than the white belt  as a squire is a death knell to the path you are on. I certainly hope not. Many Knights are part if more than in order in the SCA these days. In the earlier history of the Society, being part of an order not related to fighting may have been a thing to be shunned for. A product of a siloing effect that occurred when the orders were more competitive in nature. But in this current Society, an accolade is just more proof of the quality of who you are in the game. Just accept what is given and embrace it. It just makes your resume better when you are weighted and measured by the circle. My two pence.


I have been asked and I reiterate it again here, I am content with whatever the people in the big chairs deem to hand out. That’s their right and not something I control or have much say in. That may be simplistic. It probably is. But, this recognition is no exception to the rule. If fact, Ill lean into it a bit. I am even more content with this because it wasn’t just them doing the giving. There was a whole fleet of Pelicans that advised the folks in the big chairs. So, it was a bunch of folks that put this accolade on me. That reality slams humility down on me like a micro-burst thunderstorm cell.


The leadup to the vigil was a time full of questions. Some anxiety. A lot of accepted wonder. People doing things for me I can do for myself (and usually do). But, just sitting on my hands and letting stuff happen. It’s wasn’t always easy. The vigil came into being. I was part of it but also not at the same time. It was akin to a small event within the event. Many voices came to see me in my blind. A played my role as best as I could in my amateur understanding of how it works. I recall advice of many common themes. There were some claustrophobic feelings on my part. Not my cup of tea to be honest. But, I enjoyed it even if it did feel a little awkward to me.


Court was a blur. Luckily there is video. It was fun and a shock. I felt in a daze though the ceremony. Trying to make eye contact with the speakers and truly listen to what was said. My feet hurt in the kneeling. Don’t squirm. Be in the moment. Warm, dumbfounded, childlike happiness is the lasting impression I have in my mind. Folks asked if I could recite the Fealty Oath, I probably could but not then. Took prompts but I knew the words once I was reminded having uttered them so many times over the years. People making a declaration of my worth before the thrones. Eyes. Wide. Open. That humility hammer came down on me again.


Now that it is done, I go to look for the normality that was before all the feathers. I don’t feel different. But… I removed myself from the Meridian Associates Facebook group today. That felt bittersweet for some reason. Events are coming up where I will attempt to just be me again and do my thing. Remains to be seen if I am me or if this is some sort of sequel of me. No cravings for fish at least. 


Looking forward to seeing if ‘Making a man a Pelican, makes him a better fighter’. Is that a thing? We’ll see.


Curious to see if there are any new ‘demands’ on my time with this new hat. So far, no one has asked me for anything I wasn’t already doing. Probably going to be a bit before that shakes out.


I’m a peer and a squire now. A peer by popular demand. A squire by choice. My circumstance is unusual, but I am probably not the only one in the SCA who has ever experienced it. I doubt there are a lot of us going about it the way I have. 


Artwork courtesy of Brett Tadlock SCA Ronan of Axebridge

The Pelican mantle says a couple of things about me I would hope. The first is that the service part of my game is on point. The second is that it is evident that I have a good grasp of my PLQs. Just need to not screw up in either of those two points. Just because you got the cookie doesn’t mean you can stop being what got you the cookie.


My hobby has been good to me. It’s a place of friendship and escape from the mundane. The SCA gives me my ‘And now for something completely different…’ fix and I love it for that reason. I am so glad it found me and that I have been able to help it continue to be. 


Now, back to work…

Meistr Eoin Mac Cana, OP
Warden of the Nothern Plateau
Squire to Earl Benen MacTire
Shire of Easaraigh
Kingdom of Meridies
SCA, Inc


A letter of appreciation and gratitude in honor of my elevation to the Order of the Pelican, SCA.

Salutations unto the great Society of Creative Anachronism, the Kingdom of Meridies, and my friends and family from Eoin Mac Cana, in gratitude and humility.

Please accept these words as my heartfelt and awestruck respect for those who have helped shape my experience and shared in my journey. All of those who I have walked with, followed behind and occasionally held the light for brought me to this, my elevation, to the most noble Order of the Pelican.

To my beloved wife, Ellen Delacey. Councilor and partner, enabler and keeper of my heart, planner-in chief, my tailor, my love. Thank you.

To Ameraulde and Hadi, my first peers, my first household, my first introduction to the world of this hobby and setting the foundation of what service is and should be. Thank you.

To my shire, Easaraigh, and the many voices that have rung in the halls of our hearth fires over the years. Through feast and famine, Easaraigh has been the SCA 'place'  I have called home. Always welcoming, supportive, and a house of happiness. Thank you.

To Benen and Rosabel, my introduction to the wider world of this hobby and community. I would have never seen the wider SCA without you there. Wise beyond words. My horizons have been broadened and my appreciation of what a peer is and can be are ingrained in my ideal through your influence. Thank you.

To those of you in the Order that saw my body of work and felt that my qualities are of value to the cadre, I look forward to meeting you all. You confidence in me is humbling. Thank you.

To Ysmay of Branston, thank you for being my voice and sponsor in the circle. 

Thank you to TRMs Sebastianos and Morgan, for accepting the Order's recommendation and presenting my writ. 

To TRMs Barthelemy and Oda, Thank you for agreeing to perform the induction and administering the ceremony.

To the guards and stewards of my vigil, Thank you for giving of your time so that I could sit my vigil in surety. You honored me. I am in your debt. Cassandra Boseham and Linnet MacLeod for managing my book and flow of visitation. Alessandra Sartor overseeing the victuals and refreshments for my guests. Sigmund Nacht as my sergeant-at-arms and his fyrd consisting of Sindri Bynarrsson, Ronan of Axebridge, Mongo Blackheart, Hallgrimr Thorvaldsson, Nobunaga and Boethius Blackheart standing guard, so that peace reigned.

To all those that came to visit and share in my vigil, Thank you. I am richer in being for your consideration and in the partaking. Thank you so much.

To my wife, Ellen for my elevation tunic and to Sigriðr Reiðubúinsdóttir for the woven work of art that the word 'trim' seems inadequate as a label. Thank you.

To Thorkatla Herjolfsdottir, illuminator and scribe. Master of her craft, applying her trade to create the official instrument and evidence of my elevation. Pure art knows no competition and you have done as much and more than I could have hoped for in your effort. Thank you.

To Timothy of Long Bennington and Ysmay of Branston, the construction of a pennon to fly in the breeze and announce my presence was charged. The product is beautiful and I will be proud to see it soar. Thank you.

To my squire brother, Ronan of Axebridge, the artist, I love the fighting pelican art. All who see it will know that you are its creator and many will know your worth before ever you meet them. Thank you.

To my guy, my consiglieri, my herald, Iain MacArthur… fuhgeddaboudit. You sir, are the best. A bit of humor on a Gulf Wars morning made into pure poetry, you did right by me. Thank you.

To Sigmund and Sindri, for holding my banners high in precession as I heeded Their Majesties call to court. Thank you.

To my worthies, Bryce MacLaren, Seumas Last of Gyver, Jean-Azriel du Corbier, Ysabel de Saincte Croix, Benen MacTire, and Sigmund Nacht: Gravitas and joy in equal parts struck true. Having ones worth laid out before a witnessing populace is an experience I will not soon forget. I feel envigored and ready to go forth with the knowledge of sound footing on my path and a direction true. Thank you.

Lastly, to those of you that I missed in acknowledgement, know no slight intended. It's only my ability to retain a memory at the time of this writing that has failed. Things have been a blur of late. Please remind me when you see me if you desire to do so.

By my hand, this 11th day of November, Anno Societatis LIX being 2024 Gregorian, I am, 

Meistr Eoin Mac Cana, OP
Warden of the Nothern Plateau
Squire to Earl Benen MacTire
Shire of Easaraigh
Kingdom of Meridies
SCA, Inc

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