White County Fair & Fairgrounds
Sparta, TN
Hosted by the Barony of Glaedenfeld
December 14, 2024
On a blustery December day, in the winter of Anno Societatis fifty-nine, merchants and artisans from throughout the Kingdom of Meridies did gather for a faire in a valley south of the Shire of Easaraigh. The faire, known as Winter Market, was hosted by the Barony of Glaedenfeld, located in the fertile northwest of Meridies.
Photo Credit Ellen Delacey |
My wife, Ellen, and I attended the event along with several others from our home Shire of Easaraigh. The event was in our backyard, after all. The site, the White County Ag Building in Sparta, TN, has become a mainstay for SCA events in our region, used many times by our shire in recent years. This year's event was big, in attendance and activities, with over 200 in attendance for the one day celebration.
Photo Credit Ellen Delacey |
Winter Market's primary draw has been its wide range of merchants. In addition to that this year, there was a new spectacle called ‘An Artisan’s Life’. The Barony also held tournaments for their Rapier and Armored combat champions.
Photo Credit Ellen Delacey |
There were around 20 merchants, I think, and an equal number of artisans demonstrating their art.
Photo Credit Ellen Delacey |
‘An Artisan’s Life’ was an effort to have artisans from varied disciplines setup demonstrations of their craft. The demonstrations ran all day. The range of displays was extremely broad from bronze-age to early renaissance and covered cultures from across the known world. Many, many very knowledgeable and enthusiastic people shared their passions with the attendees. It was a one of the best A&S oriented activities I have witnessed. Not just a simple class structure, this was a practical archeological exercise. It was a joy to behold, both demonstrator and spectator found value. It was hands on, tactile, and immersive. Something like this could and should catch on. In short, it was 'cool' (old norse, circa 900).
Photo Credit Ellen Delacey |
There was a lunch. Again, I missed it because of fighting. Shame on me. Im told it was very good. Sir Griffin headed up the effort. Ah well..
There was a rapier and armored combat tournament for Baronial Champion for the Barony of Glaedenfeld. Duke Timothy’s squire, Jurgen der Vielfrass, was the winner of the rapier tournament.
Photo Credit Culom of Gyver |
For the armored tournament, there was some.. er.. hijinks at play. A couple of weeks prior to the event, Sir Haldr Thorsson made an announcement to encourage armored combatants from the area to come and participate in the tournament. It seems that the renowned knight has had the good fortune of being the Baronial Champion for the Barony of Glaedenfeld for quite a long time. I’m not sure anyone can remember when he wasn’t the champion. At least, no one maintaining the oral histories of the area can recall any name other than Haldr being champion of the Barony. Well, with that in mind, the participants of the list took it upon themselves to ensure that the name of ‘Haldr’ would continue on as the champion of the Barony. How did this occur, you may be wondering. Quite simply actually. When all of the combatants signed up for the list, they used variations of the name ‘Haldr’ as their nom de guerre for the tournament. The end result was we had a list of ‘Haldrs’ competing to be Baronial Champion and guaranteeing that the name of ‘Haldr’ would continue on and carry forward in the role. In the armored tournament, we had Smalldr, Talldr, Y’alldr, Cuphaldr, Thomas Haldrsson, “The Real Haldr”, Just Haldr, Don Haldr, Count Haldr, Xaldr and Meistr Haldr. The victory went to Duke Timothy under the guise of Duke Talldr. And thus, we, the armored community, ensured the legacy of the name of Haldr as Baronial Champion for the Barony of Glaedenfeld. Good times.
Photo Credit Ellen Delacey |
Their Majesties and Heirs were in attendance. AoA’s where presented to Nobunaga and Boethius Blackheart from our area. Sindri Bynarrsson, from Easaraigh, was presented with a well-deserved Meridian Cross. Several others were presented and recognized for achievement in court by Thier Majesties and Their Excellencies Glaedenfeld. We also witnessed the spectacle of the elevation of Xanthe Yfantes to Pelican at the close of court. It was a big day for everyone and a ton of fun was had.
Photo Credit Ellen Delacey |
In the lead up to this event, I almost talked myself out of bringing my armor. I am sure I would have enjoyed my day just as much (so much to do at this event!). But, I found a nagging voice in the back of my mind urging me to bring kit. I have discovered that I have a new point of pressure that I will need to balance and temper. Since being elevated to Pelican, I have been adamant that my squire’s path will not be changed or allowed to languish in disuse. This voice comes from that idea I think. When I was debating the idea of not fighting at the event, I found that I had a strong urge telling me I had to be in kit to avoid the perception that because I am a Pelican now, I don’t care about fighting anymore. As silly as that may seem, now more than ever I feel a need to demonstratively prove my value as an armored combatant. To prove, that I am not just a Pelican. It’s a strange sensation and I almost feel guilty for it. I don’t like the feeling, but it’s there none-the-less. I do not want to rest on the bestowed peerage I have received. Finding even footing with being a Pelican and still treading my squire's path is wierd. It's something to figure out and wrap thoughts around how this all work's now. I guess this will be my inner demon for a bit. I was told in my vigil many times to expect changes. So far, the biggest changes seem to be in my thoughts and how I perceive my the world around me. I know I am not the first to fall into this train of thinking. That, at least, provides some solace. If other's have managed, so will I.
The end of the day was finalized with many hands of the attendees helping to load out and close down the event. Eventually, light dimmed to a cool winter evening on the plateau.
Farewell friends and safe journey to thee.
By my hand, this 14th day of December, Anno Societatis LIX being 2024 Gregorian, I am,
Meistr Eoin Mac Cana, OP
Warden of the Northern Plateau
Squire to Earl Benen MacTire
Shire of Easaraigh
Kingdom of Meridies
SCA, Inc