Fools War XXXI
Camp Benjamin Hawkins
Byron, GA
April 9, 2022
This past weekend I made the trek south, to the pine forests surrounding the Shire of Tir Briste for Fools War XXXI. The event is a 'long weekend' affair, but I was only able to make it for one day, Saturday.
As my main reason for the journey was Armored Combat and I did not camp on site, my commentary will be focused on a very small part of a large event that had a lot (Yes Jeffe, a plethora) of activities that I did not have time to witness or take part in.
My day started on the melee field and that is where I stayed all day. There were several scenarios planned for the day. The architect for the scenarios was HL Ysabel d'Ange. She was also marshal in charge for the day. The overall concept had three armies with shifting alliances and mercenaries at times in play vying for control of the lands of Mercia and Northumbria during the Viking age. The fighting was good and well mannered. There was combat archery in play. We had a large contingent from Trimaris on the field (they appeared to be in their true, outstanding melee form all day) in addition to the many Meridians that came. The combatants fought from beach, boat, bridge and battlement with resurrection and without. There was fighting all day long.
The scenarios had much promise, but I think we did not do them justice as each engagement eventually broke down to basic concepts. Throughout the day, we (collectively) struggled to act as a team and work toward the goals the scenarios laid before us. We just fought. We fought without much in the way of purpose other than to have a good time. And it showed. While I enjoyed the fighting, the lack of focused purpose shone through in many places. Good times were had, but we did so in a way where the effort HL Ysabel put into the scenario's designed for our enjoyment were largely put aside in the process. We, the combatants, devolved into a group think mindset shortly after things started and we just wanted to jump into the fray without thought or strategy or direction. The Meridian contingent left the field happy, but not sated. We left much on the field that was incomplete, unfinished. We need to do better.
My commentary above is no reflection on the event itself. Fools War XXXI was well planned. The activities set before the fighters that came had much promise. So, no fault to the staff of the event should be seen here. The 'We' that needs to better is those of us that are responsible for driving the Meridian Army and melee activity in this Kingdom. And, since Menhir 2020, that includes me. As a legionnaire of the Legio Ursi, it is now my responsibility to help guide this kingdom on the melee field. I am no longer 'rank and file'. I am a sergeant in the chain of command and need to step up an do better. This is my third melee event since becoming a legionnaire. I don't think I knew what that responsibility was until this weekend. While I did not feel worthy before, I am now challenged to fulfill the faith put in me in elevation to the order. I accept this challenge. I will do better.
In some down time, I did get in a couple of pickups with HRM Lochlainn and Baron Eoin Seys. The pickups were good and fun. I gave them both several hard, challenging passes before retiring for lunch. I was able to get another hour of melee fighting in before moving on to find HRM for an entourage shift that afternoon. HL Kikuchi and followed a trail into the wilderness to find HRM, who was supposed to be on the equestrian field. After some time, having crossed a lake by bridge with no sign of HRMs passing, we returned to the melee field. Luckily for us, HRM returned to shortly after we did. With the finding of HRM, I provided a couple of hours to entourage duty for HRM and attended a Legio Ursi meeting during the shift. The shift was uneventful and I was relieved of my duty and prepared for court.
At court that evening I witnessed several good things as I shared company with Sir Seamus, Lady Etain and Lord Xenos. Of note the Elevation of Duchess Ysmay to Pelican and a 'drive by' elevation of Baron Fynlo MacCane to Pelican. Both were beautifully done. I also got to witness Sir Griffin being rewarded Queen's Yeoman for his win on the range.
Fool's War XXXI was an excellent event. I saw many happy faces and witness many great deeds along with celebration of accomplishment. For armored combat, I feel the event will be a catalyst for some focus on melee in this kingdom. It will be fun to take part in the effort to get things on track for the Meridian Army. Time will tell if the result is favorable, but I have confidence that good things will come.
Well met friends. Safe journey to thee!
Baron Eoin Mac Cana called 'Clyde'
Squire to Earl Benen MacTire
Warden of the Northern PlateauKnight Marshal, Shire of Easaraigh
Kingdom of Meridies