
Clyde's Travel Log - Iris Faire 2022

Iris Faire 2022

Montgomery Bell State Park
Burns, TN
16 Apr 2022

Shortly after dawn broke on the morning of April 16th, AS LVI, Lord Sigmund and I made for the western passage off of the Plateau unto the fertile lands of the Barony of Glaedenfeld for their annual Spring event, Iris Faire. The trip was uneventful. While the day was overcast, the weather was mild throughout the day.

The event was well attended. Very well. The Kingdoms emergence from the ravages of the plague's grasp has filled the north with much hope and anticipation for what both the figurative and literal Spring holds for those that embrace what it has to offer. There were so many familiar and smiling faces that it would be hard for even the most stoic of curmudgeons to not feel some warmth in the glow of humanity present.

At the risk of becoming one-dimensional, I went to the event for one thing… armored combat. Sigmund and I both, in fact, committed ourselves to the field that day with no real time for anything but that. I heard a count of 20 said for the list. The Gold Iris Tourney was a double elimination, best 2 out of 3 format. There were fighters of all levels in the list from novice to knight and even a royal peer. 

The list was enjoyable though short for me. I was out in 2 rounds after fighting Sir Iastreb and Lord Mongo. There were many 'hot sticks' in the list, I just wasn't one of them. The Tournament ran its course though the morning into the early afternoon. In the end, Count Sebastianos came out victorious after a good final fight with HL Idris ibn Tariq al-Magribi. For my part, I received many complements and good advice from peer and non-peer alike. While I was disappointed to have not fared better, I found satisfaction in my effort.

I was able to get into some pickups after the tournament. Graf Ulric, Sir Mandin, Lord Martin, Baron Aethelwolf, and Lord Marcus were the ones I recall. All are solid, honorable opponents. I was happy to share time with each of them.

My only fault of major importance to me in the days martial time was that I allowed myself to get overheated and did not react accordingly. I only note it here as a reminder that I can be dumb and was dumb on this day. Everyone should understand and recognize the symptoms of heat injuries. I do know and let myself push past the point where a pause was in order. Hopefully my lesson is learned…again. I am not afraid to call myself out. Be smart. Recognize. React. It's not hard.

The end of the day was sealed with a Baronial and Kingdom court. There was much business to be conducted and the court was lively for it. There Excellencies Glaedenfeld consulted their Oracle, who came into the a host of fantastic beasts and bodyguard. They recognized their citizens, young and old. The Barony is strong and has a bright future if I bear true witness to the spectacle of their court. Our Shire will have naught to fear with the strength we have to our west. 

With the closure of the Baronial court came Their Majesties. They elevated many worthy subjects with the highlight being Fionnuala ingheann ui Domhnall (Nuala) to the Order of the Laurel and Arianne Lightheart to the Order of the Pelican. Their Majesties are noble and generous to their people. Long live Their Majesties.

That, friends, was the majority of my day. There was comradery all day long and many conversations, while enjoyed, I fear that I will not remember much of. But, all I did was fight. Iris Faire had so much more to offer and I have some regret that I did not have more time to witness it all. From Archery to classes and an A&S competition, the event had something for all.

This was my third event weekend in a row. I have come to observe and theorize that in this reopening we are doing that we, as a society, might be pushing too hard to do too much. Not in the number of events, but in the content. As I put forward in a previous journal, this recovery and rebuild phase I feel we are in, needs more time cut out for just plain old social time in the day. My feeling is we are a society trying to make up of lost time and maybe, just maybe we are overachieving in the effort in some ways. The kingdom has had roughly two years to plan the best possible events they could and idea upon idea has been put in storage waiting to be unwrapped for this time we are now in. Are we trying to unwrap them all at once? Im not sure. I encourage event planners to consider going back to the basics for activities and time planning. Keep it simple needs be the mantra of the day. We don't have to do and act on every idea that we have developed in our down time. Give people just enough to do and time to just be with each other. Finding a balance between just enough and too much should be an goal for events this year. Finding that balance seems to be what we are really trying to do. We'll get there.

Lord Sigmund at I bid our farewells and mounted the highway east, back to Easaraigh. We were both tired and happy from the day spent with our neighbors and look forward to future visits with them.

Well met friends. Safe journey to thee!

Baron Eoin Mac Cana called 'Clyde'
Squire to Earl Benen MacTire
Warden of the Northern Plateau
Knight Marshal, Shire of Easaraigh
Kingdom of Meridies

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